19 October 2021 – Battle Strategies – Part 5

2 Kings 19:14  Hezekiah received the letter from the messengers and read it. Then he went up to the temple of the Lord and spread it out before the Lord.

The King of Assyria, Sennacherib, sent letters intimidating King Hezekiah and the people of Israel. The detractors spoke in Hebrew, (though the officials could understand Aramaic) in the hearing of the common people. The waves of perilous thunder shook the nation of Israel. The Assyrians had conquered all the neighboring countries before they sent hounding letters to invade Israel. Assyrian military force was violent, valiant  and vicious.  Hezekiah went into the temple of God, fasted, spread the menacing letter in the presence of the Lord and won the victory on his knees.

The enemy insidiously enters and influences our lives by threatening voices. If we entertain the voice it will soon turn into a noisy confusing clamor in our head. The demonic realm can access our lives only if we entertain their pessimistic stories. The blood of Jesus draws a spiritual boundary line beyond which they cannot come yet, they yell doubt and disdain through from the fence. If we listen to the malicious spirit they will quickly insinuate fear. The demonic malevolent spirit would say, “COVID is going to destroy your business” or “you will never recover from that illness”, “your children are not going to change”. He injects poison about people or prospects piercing pain and panic. The noises in the head must be assassinated by fasting and prayer. 

Battle strategies to strangle the voices and noises of the scary spirits:

  1. Fast: As going without food cleanses our gut, fasting and prayer cleanses our soul. Researchers found that intermittent fasting restructures the gut composition to prevent common complications such as diabetes or damage to the vision. Similarly, fasting declutters our mind and clears our spiritual vision. We will be able to distinguish the threats from the enemy and the warnings from the Holy Spirit. Fasting arrests the advancing demonic army.   
  1. Feed: Feeding on the negative report and delving into fearful details will entertain the demonic voices. When we indulge in apprehensive thoughts, the demonic will soon start chattering in our mind. We will start hearing extreme pessimistic possibilities of the prognosis. Nightmares and dread will follow the fear that has gripped our hearts. King Hezekiah shook free of qualm and the quiver by feeding on the prophecy. When gripped with fear, feed on His promises. Feeding on the promises frustrates the demonic voices. 
  1. Fruit: Fruit is always the result of the root.  Hezekiah did not rush to make phone calls to muster help from other kingdoms around him. He sought the Lord. He planted his feet deep in the house of the Lord. That night the angel of the Lord went out and put to death a hundred and eighty-five thousand in the Assyrian camp (1 Kings 19:35). The outcome of the threat does not rest on politicians, physicians, projections of the predicator. God has the final say in any issue. Sap from God’s Word strangles the demonic noises.          

Fasting and feeding from the God’s word pushes the demons far from our divine fence and chokes their threats into a feeble hush.

1 Peter 5:8 Be sober and alert. Your enemy the devil, like a roaring lion, is on the prowl looking for someone to devour.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, help me to recognize the voice of the demons that is insidiously trying to enter my mind. Teach me to suffocate them out of the boundary of my life.  Amen.

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