01 November 2021 – Are We There Yet? – Part 4

Joshua 3:4 Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before.

Decision making can be tough. Making a choice among alternative courses of action which will also include inaction, can be challenging, cryptic and confusing. We make “strategic” long term determinations, “tactical” short term actions and “operational”, day-to-day decisions. Many think that it would be easy if God would speak to them audibly as He did to the Old Testament patriarchs and prophets.  The Lord God said to Abraham, migrate to the yonder and to Moses to deliver His people from the disorder. He guided Joshua with protocol, procession and preeminence.

When Joshua was ordained as the Commander in Chief, the Lord gave him a clear roadmap to follow – giving orders to the people: “When you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, and the Levitical priests carrying it, you are to move out from your positions and follow it (Joshua 3:3). When the ark moved the people were in motion. The ark was the symbolic representation of the presence of the Lord and the ten commandments in the Ark represent the written Word of God (The Bible). The direction in which the Presence of God (The Ark) proceeded, the horde pursued.

The flooded River Jordan surged over the banks and arrested the movement of the Israelites. Similarly, there would be crisis that inundate our career, children or cash-flow. When we are stuck between the rock and the hard place, when we tread through a trail that we have never travelled before, God’s Word that is hidden in our hearts will be the lamp, lantern and luminous light.      

Three divine devices:

  1. Peace: Peace is the compass of our heart that confirms the divine presence and partnership of the Almighty. Peace comes when there is no cloud between us and God – Charles H Brent. As long as we hold on to our own plans, agendas and timelines, we will not enjoy peace or the leading of the Holy Spirit. Peace is the assurance of His presence.  
  1. Portal: Positioning towards the divine portal of guidance will take us through the porch of the Promised Land. I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of Heaven and earth (Psalms 121:1-2). The portal of the divine entry is God’s word. When jaded, jagged or jiggered, position and align towards the divine portal.    
  1. Pilot: The promise is the stamped passport that gives us free entry, air ticket and visa to access God’s provision. In the Angelic Airway, Jesus is the pilot of the flight. Joshua needed clear guidance since he had never been that way before. He needed the divine pilot to usher him in the right direction. He was leading a million people, not just ten to turn around and make a U-turn if they took the wrong exit. God’s presence and His Word hidden in our heart will be the pilot escort vehicle that will go before us.     

When we tread on unknown territory and are unaware if we are there yet, the peace God, His presence and His Word will be our guiding compass.  

Isaiah 59:19 When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a (victory) banner against him.

Prayer:  Dear Jesus, be my pilot and the steering wheel of my decisions. Guide me with your peace, presence and the power of your Word. Amen. 

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