02 November 2021 – Are We There Yet? – Part 5

Genesis 8:16 God said to Noah, “Come out of the ark, you and your wife and your sons and their wives.

The longest nonstop ocean voyage recorded in history was by Reid Stowe who had sailed his yacht for 1,152 days along a Hudson River which he started in 2010. He had a cheering crowd waiting for him at the docks as he wearily stepped onto land and completed a remarkable human journey.  

Based on the lunar calendar Noah was in the ark with his family, animals, birds and living creatures for approximately 360 to 370 days. The primitive Noah’s ark, unlike Stowe’s yacht, did not have life jackets, fire extinguishers, visual signals, sound signals, medical kits, anchors or heavy duty flashlights. Most importantly Noah did not have a compass to guide his path.  Despite the sanitation, ventilation and insulation, Noah was obedient to embark on this journey not knowing the direction or  his destination. The sons of Noah would have asked him several times, “Are we there yet”? When the ark finally rested on Mt. Ararat, the seasick family lurched out of the vessel smelling fresh air and grass.

There are times when life boat drifts us away in the unknown with no direction, instruction or supernatural intervention. It appears that we have been latched on perpetually to live with the disability or dysfunction, with no dissolution. No matter how dark the sky gets or how torrential the tornado blows, the journey will come to a pleasing rest to those who trust in the Lord.        

Three  essentials for seasick voyages:

  1. Symptoms: The conflicts in our senses cause seasickness. Our eyes see one thing, our muscles feel another, and our inner ears sense something else causing hyperventilation, choking and exasperation. Our brain cannot take mixed signals hence we feel dizzy and seasick. When life gets rough, evidence is bleak that there is an eruption of an upheaval in our mind causing chemical imbalance in our body and spiritual uncertainty in our soul. When seasickness causes   giddiness  and nausea the recommendation is to focus on something else. Likewise, replace the atrocity of the struggle with the authenticity of God’s word. Refocus on the solutions and not the symptoms.  
  1. Signals: Visual and audio signals are essentials in a sea voyage. A visual signal is a device that is designed to show that the boat is in distress and sound signals are for warning or steering. When battered in the temptations, trials and tests, the demonic world waits in ambush for the visual and audio signals of fear. Negative words, pessimistic questions of God’s authenticity or desperate statements are signals that attract the demonic, control our mind and drown us in depression. Professing faith will clear the cloud of gloominess. Blast signs of hope.     
  1. Synergy: One of the remedies to overcome seasickness is to face in the direction we are going. Retrospective melancholy causes despair. When we keep looking back, we will sink into the gloom and doom but when we look forward toward the horizon of God’s promise, our mind with our meditation will synergize hope. Synergize thoughts and the testament.    

Hopelessness is the seasickness in a fierce storm. Reset your mind. Today was difficult but tomorrow will be better.  

Psalms 27:14 Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord..

Prayer:  Dear Jesus, be the captain of my ship. Even when the storm baffles against my boat, I will not sink as long as you are the captain and my compass. Amen. 

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