05 November 2021 – Brain Sanitizers – Part 1

Philippines 4:8 Finally, believers, whatever is true and authentic, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things [center your mind on them, and implant them in your heart]. (AMP)

A “Business Wire” research confirmed the growth of the global hand-sanitizer dispenser market at the rate of 17.4% from $71.64 million in 2020 to $84.08 million before the end of 2021. It is expected to reach $147.37 million at 15.1% before 2025. Hand-sanitizers and masks are among the booming industries in the world since the pandemic rampantly ravaged the globe.

However, Dr. Daniel Amen (psychiatrist, neuroscientist, brain imaging expert) says, “sanitizing our brain is more important than keeping our hands clean”. One of his famous tweets during COVID was “Disinfect your thoughts and kill the ANTs to overcome anxiety, depression, trauma and grief”. He coined the acronym “ANTs” – “Automatic Negative Thoughts”  after a very stressful day at his clinic. Negative thoughts leave sediments of seditious thought pattern in the brain. Hence brain-sanitizing is more important than hand-sanitizing.      

The Apostle Paul has given us seven couplets to sanitize the brain and the mind in Philippians 4:8. Mind is the spirit of the physical organ, “the brain”. The thoughts processed through the brain, excites or incites the mind. Our reaction is a direct result of our rumination. Hence, as we sanitize our hands after every motion, our brain must be disinfected after every emotion. Paul gives us seven tools to peel the veneer of negative emotions. Firstly, sanitize your mind from falsehood. Meditate on  “Whatever is true and authentic”.

 Think about what you are thinking about:

  1. Real: The first question to get rid of “ANTs” is “Is it real”? The ugly truth is, the demons provoke us to sin and then derive pleasure by stabbing us with guilt. There would be 5% truth in their insidious accusation but 95% would be harsh lies. The reality is that the precious blood of Jesus is the disinfectant and stain remover of all our sins. The blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from all sin (1 John 7:4). Tear down the illusionary accusations with the truth.  
  1. Right: The second question to sanitize “ANTs” is “Is it right”?. Don Joseph Goewey, author of “The End of Stress, Four Ways to Rewire Your Brain” did a study on how many of our imaginary calamities never materialize and concluded that 85% of what we worry about never happens. There is a difference between ignoring danger and inflaming imaginary fear. Analyze actualities and strategize facts. We are not expected to be “always positive” but “accurate thinking” is a good discipline. Discredit imaginations and authenticate the truth
  1. Reliable: Get rid of “ANTs” by validating the reality of the information. An information from a ‘gossip queen’ has to be trashed not investigated or discussed. The weight of an information solely rests on the worth and reliability of the resource. Mute social media that stimulates fear and stirs up qualm. Disinfect your mind gate from gossips and assimilate the truth.   

Influence your mind to meditate on what is true and authentic and disinfect it from falsehood and fabricated details.        

Philippians 4:8b Think continually on these things.

Prayer: Father God, may the meditation of my mind and the rumination of my heart always be acceptable in Thy sight. Amen

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