17 November 2021 – Angelic Beings – Part 6

Psalm 8:5 You made him (man) a little lower than the Angels.

As long as we are on the earth, angels are more powerful than humans. Angels can see what we cannot see, they can hear what we cannot hear and they can do what we cannot do with human strength. They are not omnipresent like God. Angels can be only at one place at one time however they have the vision of an eagle and deeper insight over our situation. The angelic eye can see what our 20/20 vision cannot envisage. The angel of the Lord opened the prison door twice in the book of Acts to release the disciples. The religious pathogen persecuted the early church and threw them in prison. But at night an angel from the Lord opened the doors to their cell and led them out of the prison (Acts 5:19).

The next morning, the assembly of Jewish Judicial authority(Sanhedrin) sent officers to the jail to bring the apostles out for trial. The doors of the jail were securely locked with guards standing outside but the cell was empty! The guards could neither see the angels nor the apostles as they were led out of the prison. Being surrounded by an angelic atmosphere can hide us from the notorious eyes of the enemy. The apostles would have walked out of the prison right before the eyes of the jailors but their eyes were blinded and their senses were numbed. Prayer activates angelic activity.

Hosts of angels can do what human cannot do:

  1. Release: The apostle Peter was arrested and Herod was intending to execute him the next day. The church prayed earnestly for him. Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell (Acts 12:5). The angel’s appearance was only apparent to Peter. The chains in Peter’s hands robotically loosened. The four squads of guards in the inner prison or the outer prison could not see the angel or the bright light. Our earnest prayers activates angelic activity in the prison cell of addiction, isolation or contravention that our family members or friends are incarcerated. Angels are sent with the key to release prisoners
  1. Resuscitate: The great Prophet Elijah was found weak under a juniper tree after a threatening hate-speech call from Queen Jezebel. He was intimidated by her menace and wanted to die. All at once an angel touched him and said, “Get up and eat” (1 Kings 19:5b). The angelic butler had set a meal with charcoal baked bread and a jar of water before him. The angel visited him twice during this episode and served food that strengthened Elijah for 40 days. Our prayers for dear ones far and near activates angelic activity to resuscitate the weak, weary and wayward. Angels are butlers with divine food to resuscitate our fatigued soul.        
  1. Revive: The ship that the Apostle Paul was sent as a prisoner was in deep trouble. The hearts of the men on board had melted away in fear as there was no hope of survival. The Lord sent an angel to reassure Paul about his safety. Last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside me and said, ‘Do not be afraid” (Acts 27:23-24a). Angels are sent with reassuring promises to revive our faith.  

Prayer activates angelic activity.    

Hebrews 1:14 Angels are merely spirits sent to serve people.

Prayer: Lord of Hosts, teach me words of wisdom to activate angelic activity to release, resuscitate and revive me and my dear ones.  Amen.

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