25 November 2021 – Raise Your Bar – Part 7

John 21:1 Simon Peter said to the others, “I am going fishing.” “We will come with you,” they told him.

Experiences of the past limits God. The power of God cannot and should not be boxed-in based on our past experiences. The most common reaction in a catastrophe is to expect the worst. There are some who walk on eggshells with a sword hanging over their head as a defense mechanism to protect themselves. The idiosyncrasy is a “fear phobia” that is cultivated by disappointments, frustration and insecurity. When life plummets in the opposite direction and hits us with unexpected relational, financial or emotional trauma, it morphs the image of God and redefines His nature, character and supremacy.      

The disciples and followers of Jesus expected Him to become their political leader. In the past, the Lord raised a judge, ruler or a king and defeated the suppressing enemy. Hence, the throng defined Jesus as their King and the political leader of Israel to overthrow the oppressing Roman empire. Even those who were close to Him did not understand that Jesus was the Saviour of the world, not just the leader of the Jews. When they saw Him pinned to the cross they redefined the Messiah, the King of the Universe, into a “prophet”. Hence the disappointed PA of Jesus, Peter, decided to return to his fishing business. Disappointment with God curls us back to our comfort zone and limits the power of God.

When the miracle we expected did not happen, we miss a promotion or pay rise, when the loan did not go through or the healing was not instantaneous, we convince ourselves to limit God and plunge into the pit of dissolution.    

Demolish the limitations and dogma of past experiences:

  1. My-Way: When things don’t go the way we have planned, we tend to limit God. Our expectation of God, His authority and His supremacy over our circumstance culminates. 99 out of 100 times, our vision of what’s best for us will be wrong. “Sometimes God takes away something you never expected to lose, but He will replace it with something you never expected having”.  A worldly loss will only be replaced with a better gain.His ways are better than our ways .  
  1. My-Will: In most prayers we tell Him “our will” rather than praying for “His will”. Peter had the audacity to confront Jesus and tell Him what He should do. As atrocious as it sounds, we do the same when we tell Him what we want and how we want it to be delivered. When man tries to dictate terms to God, it is like a butterfly lecturing on anatomy! Share your thoughts but wait for His will.  His will is much higher than our will.        
  1. My-Time: When our prayers are not answered on our schedule, we limit His wonder working power. When God is silent, He is still working in the unseen that will be unveiled in due time. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit (Galatians 5:25). Don’t drag Him nor pull Him, walk at His pace. His timing is always perfect.     

Raise your bars of limitation – don’t allow disruptions, disappointments or delays to limit the potent of God.     

Ecclesiastes 3:11 He hath made everything beautiful in His time.

Prayer: Almighty God, You are my Provider, Healer and my Shepherd. Teach me to peel the veneer of disappointment, raise above the bars of limitations and soar over the storms of life. Amen.

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