26 November 2021 – Dream with God – Part 1

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Once in about every ten years, the Death Valley National Park, which is the lowest, driest, and hottest place in the United States, bursts stupendously into a splendid super-bloom. The desert explodes into colourful beds of wildflowers attracting thousands of tourists. The super-bloom occurs only once in about ten years after the valley receives substantial rainfall in fall/autumn after which, in spring, the dry, dead desert comes alive. The seeds of the colourful wildflowers are dormant for years, but, when moist by autumn rain they brightly blossom into beds of beautiful bliss.

God’s thoughts about us are like dormant seeds deposited in the soul. They will remain undeveloped until we nourish these divine deposits with the rain of God’s Word, prayer and faith. When empowered with nourishment, the rudiments germinate and the garden of life blossoms. However, it is also possible for these seeds to be buried in the grave without germinating if we don’t endeavour to dream with God.   

Dreaming with God is not daydreaming, hallucinating or wishful thinking. It means thinking, envisaging and visualizing the promises of God in our life. It is looking beyond the present into the yonder, with an eye of the eagle, envisioning God’s promises coming to fruition.    

Three modus operandi to dream with God:

  1. Knowledge: We must first know God’s thoughts about us, our children and family before we can dream with God. You can become anything you want – is a false statement. “We can only become everything that God intends for us”. His Word reveals His thoughts. To know His thoughts we must know His Word. There are general thoughts of God and specifics that apply to our personal lives. General thoughts are that “we are chosen, redeemed, forgiven”. Specific thoughts detail our trajectory. The setbacks and summer dryness are only temporary as He has promised prosperity, plenty and posterity in His Word –  “plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future”. The knowledge of God’s Word will keep us steeped and soaked in God’s dream.  Know God’s Word, to know His thoughts.   
  1. Knead: Writing down our specific promises over our life is important but it is more important to water, nurture and grow them. If God’s thoughts for me are to build lives, I cannot waste time in the bar or pothouse. My lifestyle must help the seeds of God’s thoughts to germinate. Success always starts small. “If you cannot feed a hundred people, then feed just one” – Mother Teresa. Start where you are, with what you have and bloom where you’re planted. Knead, moist and nurture your dreams. Kneading confluences our lifestyles with God’s thoughts.         
  1. Kneel: Pray over your dreams. Godly thoughts come to us as passion however, not every thought is from God. Pray about every thought, seed and dream. Fervent prayer sprouts God’s thoughts and wilts human ideas. Prayer brings showers of blessings to wet the dry seeds of Godly vision. Kneeling in prayer, waters God’s thoughts.     

Dream with God and irrigate His thoughts for your life.     

Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, deliver me from wallowing in my own thoughts, plant your thoughts about me in my heart. Coach me to dream with you. Amen.

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