29 November 2021 – Dream with God – Part 4

Ephesians 3:20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.

God’s dreams are revealed as “passions” hidden in our hearts. A Godly dream will always be empowered by divine power. God’s vision embodies zealous desires. There are many thoughts in the heart of a man: but the will of the Lord shall stand firm (Proverbs 19:21). Godly dreams will ignite bonfire, fervor and unquenchable flames in our heart.

The power of Godly dreams is like the keys to a brand new plush, posh and pricey car. Unless we ignite the engine, we will not be able to enjoy it. Similarly the power within is activated at two realms – by our talk and our thoughts “all that we ask or think”. Our thoughts are like the key to the ignition engine and our words are the acceleration pedal. If there is an incongruence between the asking and the thinking, the movement of the car will be arrested and the engine will seize causing a mechanical failure.

God shared His dream to an elderly 75 year old gentleman Abraham, and his wife, who were barren – “I will make you into a great nation” (Genesis 12:2). God singled out a grandpa whose body was dead and a grandma with an empty womb and shrunk ovaries to raise a nation. The voice of God ignited the fire of God’s dream in Abraham. “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness” (Romans 4:3). The thoughts of Abraham flamed God’s dreams and his confession accelerated and activated the dead body and the dry womb.  

Three caveats to igniting Godly visions:

  1. Thought: Thoughts are like sparks that start the bonfire to warm us up or forest fire that will burn us down. God’s dreams and passions that burn within us will always be colossal to comprehend, enormous to assimilate, and ginormous to calculate, hence do not elucidate. Do not share your dream with the world. Keep it within your heart and your inner circle of well wishers. Bring discouraging, disobedient and disengaging thoughts under obedience of Jesus Christ. God responds to thoughts just as He replies to words.   
  1. Talk: Small minded people kill big dreams. Don’t let small minds convince you that your dreams are too big. Father Abraham fell into the trap of allowing the myopic, small-minded Sarah to almost kill God’s vision. She convinced him that her shriveled womb and his disintegrating body will never be able to produce a new life and birthed Ishmael! Power thoughts must translate to stimulating conversations, alleviating and erasing doubt. God acknowledges faith-filled confessions with a power-push.  
  1. Testimony: Testimonies are power-packed missiles into the enemy’s territory that sabotages demonic plans and destroys envious traps. The enemy has convinced many of us that if we testify, the dream will be damaged or delayed. Testimonies initiated by the Holy Spirit that highlight the power of the blood, the name and the cross of Jesus Christ is a missile that explodes the enemy’s ghetto. They serve as a “thrust” that propels us like a rocket into the unknown space of divine dreams. Testimonies blow-up the enemy but will boost-up the saint.

Dream with God, testify with your thoughts and talks.     

Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, may my thoughts, talk and testimonies ignite your dream and bring it to completion in my life. Amen.

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