30 November 2021 – Dream with God – Part 5

Matthew 13:34 Jesus spoke all these things to the crowd in parables.

A picture is worth a thousand words” – Ben Shneiderman. Jesus spoke revelations, corrections, navigations, motivations and confirmations through pictures, portraits and parables as more than 80% of His audience were unschooled illiterates. Education was a luxury in Jesus times, however the people were eager for the truth and accurate revelatory in-depths. He brought understanding visually by pictorial representation. Many of us who are well schooled, educated literates still need insights into the truth with a pictorial view in order to dream with God and to dream “God Thoughts” about our future.

The promise or a prophecy from God is like divine “binoculars” to look into the future. Unless we see through the divine device we will not be able to envisage the blessings in store for us. The prophetic utterance will become an existential reality only when we dream with God. Qualms, queries and questions must be quenched by gazing through the binoculars every day, if not every hour. Stick the promises around your home to remind yourself to dream with God.    

Godly dreams direct, instruct and reveal:

  1. Direction: God’s binoculars direct us to the divine destination. Paul received a divine direction of God’s plan in a vision. During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, “Come over to Macedonia (Acts 16:9). Dreaming with God will keep us from distractions, diversions and damaging decisions. We would inquest the leading      without making impetuous decisions. Godly dreams will be fueled by passion and peace not people or popularity. Godly dreams are directed by His Word.
  1. Instruction: God’s binoculars forewarns and foreshadows instructions in our trail. The Pharaoh had a weird dream of seven skinny cows eating seven fat cows and seven scanty thin grain heads swallowing seven healthy grain heads. Joseph deciphered the dream that discombobulated the Pharaoh. Joseph was able to unveil a divine interpretation that seven years of prosperity will be followed by seven years of famine. He instructed Egypt’s treasury to save the superfluous produce in prosperity for the years of famine. Joseph projected into the future by viewing through God’s binoculars and prepared Egypt by an intellectual, incredible and insightful economic policy. Instruction into the unprecedented future can only be captured through God’s binoculars, The Bible. Godly instructions are revealed in God’s instruction manual, His Word.  
  1. Revelation: God’s binoculars are revelatory into the unseen future. John the apostle was imprisoned in the Island of Patmos during the Roman prosecution campaign. Patmos was a small, rocky and barren island where the criminals were sent to serve in the mines. Hard, horrendous and harsh conditions were the breeding grounds for divine revelatory interjections. It was at Patmos, John received the visions and revelations that served as a window into the end times elaborated in the pages of the Book of Revelation. Similarly, the rocky rumpus of life teaches us to investigate and watch avidly into the binoculars of God’s directives. Unexpected challenges in health, career or family lead us into a better understanding of our purpose, existence and future. Tough trails and typhoons adjust the view of the divine binoculars to detail and sharpen revelations.

God’s promises are binoculars that directs, instructs and reveals God’s dreams.     

Psalm 143:10a Teach me to do Your will, For You are my God .

Prayer: Father in Heaven, I want to have a clear understanding of my divine direction to dream my destiny with you. Amen.

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