13 December 2021 – Bones – Part 4

Proverbs 17:22 – A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

Vitamin-D and calcium are essential for bone strength. Our body cannot effectively absorb calcium if there is a vitamin-D deficiency which results in a condition called “rickets” in children. Rickets can cause bone weakness, bowed legs, frequent fractures, stooped posture and other skeletal deformities. Our bodies manufacture Vitamin-D when our skin is exposed to sunlight. Calcium and vitamin-D work together to build and maintain brawny bones.

As vitamin-D is to the bone-strength, as cheerfulness is to the spiritual-stature. Joyful, restful and a serene spirit are like vitamin supplements to our spiritual skeletal structure. Bright eyes cheer the heart; good news strengthens the bones (Proverbs 15:30). Social media is teeming with bad news, grief, distress and misfortune. During the swarming pandemic, “Gospel” is the only source of good news that was broadcasted. Gospel means ‘good news’. So, hope, peace and joy are only hidden in the pages of the Word of God. According to the Boston university research, depression tripled during  2020 as people were feeding on bad reports day and night. 

Cheerful spirit not only builds our spiritual structure but also our physical skeletal stature. Caleb waited in the wilderness for 45 years because of the disobedient counterparts, before he possessed his promised inheritance. I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then (Joshua 14:11). We know that ageing makes the bones brittle but Caleb’s bones were brawny as he advanced in years. At the age of 85 yrs he was robust and healthy as a horse as he refused to prod on petrifying predictions.   

Strengthen the physical and spiritual skeleton:

  1. CheerfulnessHappy heart builds healthy bones and heavenly homes. The breaking news, bad report and bickering of the kindred did not affect Caleb. We need not allow the slumping stock market news or shooting bank interest rates to steal our joy. Our security is in the Lord. Our servitude is not to the economic tread but to the Biblical timeline. Caleb’s bones grew stronger as he got older by feeding on the promises of God. Feed on the Word to remain cheerful and young.             
  1. Courage: Courage and confession are like calcium and vitamin-D. The heart would absorb divine courage as our mouth confesses the Word of God. When you are afraid, repeat the promises over and over again and mutilate fearful thoughts and evil forebodings. As Vitamin-D aids in calcium production in the body, confession of the Word constructs spiritual skeletal strength. Speak the Word, day and night to build burly bone strength and health.      
  1. Catalyst: Caleb was the catalyst of hope and health to his peers and pedigree.  He became the tribal-head and a father figure to his brothers and brood, after the unbelieving kin (above the age of 20 years), died in the wilderness. The maverick Caleb was an influential leader to his bloodline and Othniel, the first judge of Israel was the nephew of Caleb.  He raised up for them a deliverer, Othniel son of Kenaz, Caleb’s younger brother, who saved them (Judges 3:9b). Transmit the sap of Godly heritage from one generation to the next.    

Generational anointing is transmitted through the bones.

Proverbs 16:24 Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.

Prayer: Father Divine, may the cheerfulness in my heart and the courage in my lips be the catalyst of Vitamin-D to my bones. Amen. 

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