16 December 2021 – Bones – Part 7

2 Kings 13:21 Once when some Israelites were burying a man, they spied a band of these raiders. So they hastily threw the corpse into the tomb of Elisha and fled.

Bones are the blood factory of the body. The life-giving blood is not produced in the bloodstream but in the bone marrow. The bone marrow, the spongy substance in the middle of the bone manufactures up to 95% of the body’s blood cells. Metaphorically, the bone marrow that produces life-giving blood in our “spiritual skeletal structure” are the Biblical principles, ideologies and credence. Our belief systems and spiritual standards form the firm framework of our behavioural patterns.  

It was an ancient Jewish practice to have “family caves” for burial. These were tunnels in chalky foothills outside their settlements. The family sepulchre had two compartments. The body was laid for about a year in the outer room and then the bare bones were transferred to the inner chamber with a pile of bones left from the previous generations. The bones were symbolically the mark of ‘family identity’. Unlike the cave of Jesus, Elisha’s grave was not sealed but only shut by a door. It must have been within the first year of his death when his body was in the outer sanctum. The bone marrow had dried up but the power of God that flowed through the bones of Elisha was still filled with dynamic vitality. The corpse that touched the bones of Elisha came back to life! As soon as the body touched Elisha’s bones, the dead man revived and jumped to his feet! (2 Kings 13:21b).  Our legacy is in our bones.    

Bones transfer life, legitimacy and legacy:

  1. Life: As bones produce life-giving blood, our spiritual bone structure breeds blessings or curses for our generations. I place before you Life and Death, Blessing and Curse. Choose life so that you and your children will live (Deuteronomy 30:19). Our choices are like the materials that we choose to build our home. A life built with sticks, stubble and hay, erroneous or imperfect doctrines, careless choices and cheap pleasures, will crumble down like a pack of cards. The evil that men do lives after them – William Shakespeare. Choose Christ. Godliness and holiness leave a lasting inheritance. There is life in your bones; choose precisely.         
  1. Legitimacy: Bones confirm legitimacy. Much before the renowned scientist of the world could confirm that bones are the best source of DNA, Adam confirmed it in the garden of Eden – This is now bone of my bones, And flesh of my flesh (Genesis 2:23). Legitimacy and righteousness are hidden in our spiritual bone composition. The virtue of veracity concealed in our bones will infuse into our biological and spiritual posterity. The godly walk with integrity; blessed are their children who follow them (Proverbs 20:7). “Integrity” is the wealthiest “will” that we can leave for our children. Generational blessing is hidden in your bones; live righteously.    
  1. Legacy: Our grandpa is in our bones and we will be in the bones of our great, great, great grandchildren and generations to come. Honesty, humility and holiness are the rudimentary roots of a strong family-tree. Your legacy is in your spiritual skeletal structurelive cautiously.

Knowledge is humour until it lives in the bones! Your legacy is in your bones.

Psalm 112:2b The generation of the upright shall be blessed.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, may my spiritual bone matrix and marrow be integrity, righteousness and truthfulness to produce a sturdy spiritual framework and a lasting legacy. Amen. 

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