18 December 2021 – God’s Will – Part 2

Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–His good, pleasing and perfect will.’

The ways of man will either please God or displease Him.  “There are no two opinions regarding commitment. You are either in or out. There is no such thing as life in-between” – Pat Railey. A life of conflicting compromise and conflating worldly views corrupts and camouflages the “pleasing and perfect will of God”. Man’s stubborn disobedience displeases God.  The second secret to discover the “will of God” is to sense-check if our ways and wants please God.

King David, the worship-warrior King, in the crescendo of his career, tumbled into a treacherous sin. He coveted another man’s wife, killed him and took her. David was glutted with girls, gold and gratification however, crooked thinking plummeted him into the ugly feces of adultery. “But the thing David had done displeased the LORD” (2 Samuel 11:27).  David not only sinned against God and his trusted comrade but also misused his positional influence.  

The ‘gadget’ to gauge the will of God is to sense-check our ways with His Word. I will make justice the measuring-line and righteousness the plumb-line (Isaiah 28:17a). Accentuating “justice” and “righteousness” establishes the pleasing will of God over our decisions. 

Three devices to discern God’s Will:

  1. Ways: Measure your ways with the measuring-line of “Justice”. Justice is fairness, honesty and impartiality that nails us to the pleasing will of God. You can rationalize it all you want and justify the path of error you have chosen, but you’ll find out in the end that you took the road to destruction (Proverbs 14:12TPT). Revenge, retribution, tit-for-tat can be substantiated but it accelerates the demonic cycle of hatred and destroys families, friendships and God’s favour. Before we choose our ways, it is wise to ask, “Will Jesus walk this pathway with me?”, if the answer is “no” or even “doubtful”, it is not God’s will for your life. Justice is the meterstick of God’s will.          
  1. Works: The plumb-line that measures our ‘authenticity’ is “righteousness”. It is not the number of our followers on instagram, our popularity, panache or plush but uprightness that will keep us fastened to the will of God. “Don’t do the right thing for the wrong reasons. It is ‘the why’ that keeps us committed to our choices and defines our character” – Sharon Alder. As the plumb-line determines the verticality to the centre of gravity, righteousness defines Christ-centricity. The plumb-line of righteousness aligns us to God’s will.    
  1. Wants: Wants and wishes are the speed indicators of man’s mind. If the “wants” exceed the speed limits we will violate traffic rules, crashing and injuring ourselves and others. Avaricious aspirations or ambitions of greed, covetousness and ravenousness will destroy the will of God. David failed to check the speed limit of his lustful desires. David was accused of man slaughter and abduction while speeding on the road of infidelity. Hasty decisions destroy the will of God. The speedometer of God’s Word keeps us safe within God’s will.

Sense-check your ways, works and wants with justice, righteousness and godliness to ascertain the will of God.  

Proverbs 21:2 Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but the LORD weighs the heart.

Prayer: Father God, teach me to measure your will with the measuring-line of justice, plumb-line of righteousness and speedometer of your Word. Amen. 

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