19 December 2021 – God’s Will – Part 3

Romans 8:5  Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.

The “Will of God” is God’s desire and God’s best for us. ‘Mind of the flesh’ or ‘carnal desires’ and ‘mind of the Spirit’ or ‘spiritual desires’ can be best understood as the “radio frequency”. Carnal desires are driven by emotional, sensual and physical needs whereas spiritual desires are motivated by faithfulness, forbearance and godly fervor. The desires of the flesh are sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like (Galatians 5:19-20). The desires of the flesh contradict and conflict with the desires of the spirit. The internal civil war causes interruption to the divine frequency!

To understand the will of God clearly and walk in the desires of the Holy Spirit, we must adjust our divine frequency. To improve the radio frequency, we would remove all obstacles, run a frequency scan and check the antenna connections to capture the maximum frequency. Similarly, to hear the voice of God, we must tune into the divine frequency by removing distractions, offence and fallacy. 

Three tips to tap divine frequency:

  1. Proximity: All radio transmission has a coverage map. We will be able to receive the frequency only if we come within the coverage map. Proximity to the coverage will increase the strength of the frequency. Similarly, closer we are to God’s map, “the Biblical precepts and principles” the stronger will be the heavenly frequency. The more we know the Word of God, the better will be the clarity. The best way to hear God is through His Word and the impressions in our heart.  He cannot bring the Word to our remembrance, if it is not already hidden in our heart. Bible is God’s will in ink and paperProximity to the Word of God takes us closer to the will of God.          
  1. Path: If the radio signal is obstructed by hills, tall buildings, forests, etc, then the signal strength would reduce rapidly. Areas of weak signal strength behind obstacles are known as ‘shadows’.  Sorrows, shocks and surges of emotions are “spiritual shadows”. We will lose the divine signal when we are disturbed by resentment, rage or ridicule. When we are sinking in the soreness of disappointment or convoluted by a confusing decision, we must just read the Bible. We don’t have to stress about what or where to read. Read a Psalm and start praising the Lord. The Word of God is the lamp and light that will brighten the spiritual shadows. Praise dissipates the spiritual shadows and improves the divine frequency.    
  1. Portal: The portable radio-portal is fitted with a telescopic whip aerial to receive signals. Prayer warriors, prophets, pastors and preachers are our external receivers to help us adjust our divine frequency but they are only helping aids.  They are not the portals but conduits to receive the divine frequency. Fasting and prayer will open our ears to the divine portal to hear the desires of God.      

Crucify carnal desires and walk hand in hand with the Holy Spirit to hear His desires and His will.  

Romans 8:5b Those who live by the impulses of the Holy Spirit are motivated to pursue spiritual realities.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, give me the strength to kill the carnal obsessions and to tune passionately into the divine frequency of your will. Amen.

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