20 December 2021 – God’s Will – Part 4

Luke 22:31 “Simon, Simon, satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat.

For every human being born on this earth, there is a “divine-will” and a “demonic-will”. Walking in the ‘divine-will’ or falling into the trap of ‘demonic-will’ is determined by the decisions we make with the ‘human-will’. Of all of God’s creations, only humans have the right to choose. Freewill is a God-given gift that will decide the trajectory of our life. When freewill is abused we fall into ‘demonic plan’ but when it is cherished we walk into ‘divine plan’.

The divine will of God for the Apostle Peter was not only to be the first disciple by order but also the first in the hierarchy ladder to lay the foundations of the church.

God will not do what we can do for ourselves. He will not eat, sleep or exercise. He will not decide what time we must wake up or how we must schedule our day. It is God’s sovereign will for us to have fellowship with Him every day but if we sleep-in and snuggle into the warm blanket, God will not drag us out of the bed and make us pray. We cannot even blame the devil for our lazy, lethargic human looseness. To defeat the demonic calendar and inherit the divine calendar, the human-will must be under the bridle of the Holy Spirit.         

Three bifurcations to God’s-will, satan’s-will and human-will:

  1. Confession: The confessions of our mind and mouth will establish God’s will and defeat the demonic will. Peter boldly confessed Jesus as the Messiah and Jesus unveiled His will for Peter – I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it (Matthew 16:18). The confessions of our mouth will institute the divine calendar and rout the demonic schedule.          
  1. Control: Manipulation by control is a demonic trap. When emotions and human desires are in control, we will fall into the demonic trap. Matthew 16:22 Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. Peter misunderstood his calling and presumed that he would be minister in-charge of personal affairs in ‘Jesus Regime’ to overthrow the Roman empire. Hence he rebuked Jesus and tried to derail His divine destiny. Insinuation and control over circumstances will soon turn into demonic rebellion. Controlling is like witchcraft, soothsaying and fortune telling.       
  1. Concerns: God’s will for Peter, a fisherman, was to be the first pastor of the newly birthed Church of Christ. Satan on the other hand had an indomitable plan to crush the faith and fervor of Peter. When Jesus surrendered Himself to be crucified, Peter’s heart was entangled in fear, concerns and confusion. The human weakness of Peter unknowingly invited the demonic plan of satan. Matthew 16:23 Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” Fear, jealousy or concerns are human emotions and if not surrendered, they will turn demonic.  Losing our sleep or serenity over any matter, without trusting God, will derail us from the will of God. Worldly concerns will crush God’s will.    

Perturbed human mind will never be able to discover God’s will.  

1 Corinthians 2:10 These are the things God has revealed to us by His Spirit.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, I submit my human will to be unleashed by Your will. May my confessions, concerns or carelessness never turn into demonic calendars. Amen.

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