22 December 2021 – God’s Will – Part 6

Malachi 3:6a “For I am the LORD, I do not change.”

Can the sovereign will of God change? If the answer is ‘no’, then, why do we pray?

God is Omniscient (All-knowing). God’s will is like the GPS in our car.  If we are heading south instead of travelling north, the GPS would keep redirecting us incessantly, “make a U turn when it is possible”. God’s will cannot be changed but disobedience and doubt can delay the fulfilment of God’s will and detour or reroute His plan.

Jonah ran away from God’s will. Running away from ‘God’s will’ plunged him into the sea. However, the Lord put him through crucible pressure to castigate his rebelliousness. Jonah prayed from the belly of the fish and the Lord heard him and instructed the fish to spew him on the shores of his destination. The sovereign will of God was to show mercy to even the formidable, wicked Assyrians.  Jonah was aware that the dreadful Assyrians would become eligible for God’s grace if they repent. Hence he tried to alter God’s will by bending God’s plan! When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, He relented and did not bring on them the destruction He had threatened (Jonah 3:10). The repentance of the Assyrians deferred the impending judgement of God and established the will of God.

‘God’s will’ is ‘God’s ‘idea/precept’ about our life. Prayer and Bible reading highlights God’s precepts, implants ‘Godly concepts’ and enables us to embrace God’s perfect will. Fasting, pleading and praying does not change God, it changes us to understand His will.                  

Three keys to understand God’s will:

  1. Precept: Our prayers become like the mourning of a toddler nagging for lollies when we don’t understand the “precept” or perspective of God. When God is silent about our prayer request, He is trying to get our attention to understand His guideline. Our prayer to change our spouse will never be heard, as God is waiting for us to change! Fasting fastens the seatbelt to ascend the mount of understanding. View is vivid on the mountain top. Fast to understand the idea/precept of God.          
  1. Concept: Understanding God’s precept/idea will be embryonically conceived as a concept in our heart. When our view of God is contorted, there will be misconception and misunderstanding. If our concept of  God is a ‘crude judge’, waiting to whack us every time we miss the mark, God’s correction will be misunderstood. This is why the agnostics blame God for the mistakes of man. The judgement we witness is a result of the rebellion of man. When we understand God’s heart, we will comprehend His ways and His will. Meditating His word embeds Godly concepts in our hearts.             
  1. Accept: Those who hold on to their views and ideologies can never fully accept God’s perfect will. If we are adamant and refuse to accept God’s plan, God will choose someone else to accomplish His will. If Jonah had not repented in the fish’s belly God would have raised Jonah-Junior to accomplish His plan. Comprehending God’s idea/precept and embracing His concept will bring God’s will to fruition. Conceptual conception of God’s will gives birth to His acceptable will.     

Fasting and praying does not change God, it changes us to accept and fulfil God’s perfect  will.  

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and to-day, yea and forever.

Prayer: Supreme King of Kings, I humble myself to let go of my views, ideas and imagination to accept your Sovereign will to rule my life. Amen.

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