25 December 2021 – Untold Nativity Story – Part 2

Luke 1:34 “How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?”.

There are many unusual births recorded scientifically and Biblically. Conception after menopause is miraculous but the birth of Jesus was immaculate. The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God (vs 35). The creative power of God  came upon Mary, (the Jewish teenager) and fertilized a cell in her womb. Virgin birth is the most debatable topic by the agnostics however, the purpose of the birth of Christ is hinged on the immaculate conception of Jesus from the uncorrupted seed of God to defeat sin.  The process of infallible conception was like grafting a frail and fallible flesh (branch) into a healthy olive truck to produce vigorous fruits.

Dr. Gregory Pincus (Ex-Harvard, American Biologist), did extensive studies on “parthenogenesis”. Parthenogenesis is the reproduction from an ovum without fertilization by a sperm. This is the process of producing viable embryos from unfertilized eggs of a female. However the process can only reproduce identical cells. Dr. Pincus empathically confirmed Parthenogenesis in humans never produces viable embryos and even if Mary conceived parthenogenetically she would have had a daughter and not a son! An onetime miraculous  immaculate conception can never be explained by scientific theories and research studies.

Every young Jewish virgin eagerly longed to be the one to give birth to the Messiah. The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call Him Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14b). Hence Mary was “Blessed among all women”. “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear!” (Luke 1:42). What would have been God’s screening, pre-selection process to pick the candidate to birth the Christ Child? 

Why the young Jewish teenage girl, Mary?

  1. Servanthood: Servanthood precedes priesthood and prophethood. Mary willingly submitted “I am the Lord’s servant,” (Luke 1:38a). Unlike the interview process in many esteemed corporations that involve complex problem-solving challenges, the selection process for the ‘noble service’ to the Almighty is servanthood. God is looking for humble servants to carry and cradle His purpose. Servanthood is the essential divine qualification.         
  1. Servitude: Servitude determines the magnitude of our influence in God’s kingdom. Servitude is the attitude to serve. A slave does as he is told but most people disqualify as they choose to tell God what to do. “May your word to me be fulfilled” (Luke 1:38b). Mary submitted to God’s will without the fear of the unknown or the qualm of being stigmatized or shamed for infidelity. God is looking for an attitude of servitude. The attitude of servitude is the qualifying attribute.   
  1. Significance: Significance follows servanthood and servitude. Jesus said, If you want to be great, you must be the servant of all the others (Matthew 20:26). Mary is not the object of worship, only Christ Jesus is, was and will be. Mary after the annunciation sang a superfluous song of praise and adoration to the Lord for handpicking her to be His maid servant. She is certainly to be admired but not to be revered or adulated. Significance is a reward not a remuneration.            

God’s chosen vessels must pass the screening test of servanthood and servitude.  

Luke 1:48 for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, it was your pure Holy seed and blood that has redeemed me from sin, stigma and sickness. Lord, I am your servant. Amen.

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