05 January 2022 – Unstoppable – Part 5

Romans 8:31 If God be for us who can be against us?

Trust is the thrust that makes us unstoppable. “Man says show me and I’ll trust you, but God says, trust me and I’ll show you”.  Training our heart and mind to trust in the Lord is like working out for a marathon. We cannot decide today and run a marathon tomorrow. Beginners should at least train for 15 to 20 weeks and workout every day to increase their mileage to up to 50 miles over the four months leading up to the race. Similarly, both trust in man and in God isn’t built overnight. It is built brick by brick, layer by layer.

The more we know about God, the steadier our trust on Him will be during surging storms and seditious smirks. When David was anointed as the king he was a young ruddy lad but he had to train in a rough bootcamp for 15 years before he could sit on the throne of Israel. He was unaware that as the oil of anointing was poured on his head, he was being registered for a triathlon!  He was rejected, rebuffed and resented by the people who should have encouraged, equipped and enthused him. However, it was only through the tough training of being ostracized, criticized and marginalized did he learn to trust in the Lord.  Goliath of Gath was not the only giant that David defeated; he had to win over the giants of rejection, alienation and oppression before he could be celebrated as the greatest king of Israel. David boldly confessed ”they confronted me in the day of my disaster, but the Lord was my support (Psalms 18:18).

Trust in the Lord makes us unstoppable:

  1. Rejection: The giant of rejection is like sinking sand. The moment we step-in, we will be sucked in swiftly and suffocated. David was rejected by his own father who did not even consider David to be a potential candidate for kingship. Don’t waste time thinking of people who don’t need you, there are many more who long for you. “Successful people reject rejection” – John C Maxwell.  Rejection is God’s triathlon training camp for elevation.        
  1. Alienation: The giant of alienation is like dropping temperature levels, plotting to freeze us to death. Move out from the freezing cold to the sunnier shore and bask in the sun. People who should be hospitable will turn hostile out of envy or fury; exonerate them in love. Turn loneliness into aloneness and alienation into a time of divine meditation with the Lord. Alienation is not the devil’s weapon to hurt us, it is God’s tool to declutter us from destiny distracters. Alienation is separation for our promotion.   
  1. Oppression: The giant of oppression slams people with criticism, belittlement and  resentment. David’s brother tried to discourage him with slur before he faced the Goliath (1 Samuel 17:28). Neither the giant of oppression nor the giant of Gath could deter David’s progression. Trust breaks tyranny and repression. Oppression from the enemy will only push and propel us into succession.           

Those who trust in the Lord shall not sink in the pit of rejection, freeze in the snow of alienation or be paralyzed by  oppression. Those who trust in the Lord are unstoppable.

Psalm 28:8 The Lord is their strength, And He is a saving defense to His anointed.

Prayer: Dear Lord, Help me to understand that no one can stop my progression or steal my promotion as long as I hinge my hope and trust on you. Amen.

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