26 January 2022-Why, What and How to Fast?-Part 5

Exodus 34:29 When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the LORD.

Moses was on a supernatural fast for 40 days and 40 nights. He was on Mount Sinai communing with the Lord face to face and when he came down, his face had a divine radiance that people could not see him with their naked eyes.  When Moses finished speaking to them, he put a veil over his face (Exodus 34:33).  The glow on the skin made the people tremble at their leader.  Fasting not only makes us pure on the inside but radiates a bright glow on the outside.

It is scientifically proven that fasting retains the youthful complexion, strength and defers old age. Early old age is an accumulation of both mental, physiological and physiological stress. We are only as old as the number of dead cells in our body. Fasting converts the dead cells into food fuel, hence we look much younger after fasting.  There is a debate if 40 days of water fasting is possible.  Dr. Tanner, a medical doctor, who fasted for forty days on three occasions, declared that in the second half of each of the three fasts, the unspeakable glories of the world beyond, were revealed to him. Dr. Tanner lived to be ninety-two years of age, and gave credit to fasting for his longevity. Fasting illuminates the soul and improves the physical glow of the skin.

Caleb had the strength of a 40 year old young man when he was 85 years. I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then (Joshua 14:11). We can attribute his youthfulness to a healthy diet and habitual fasting.

Three effects of fasting:

  1. Anoint: The discovery of the function of the heart and the circulation of blood by Dr. William Harvey was the greatest medical discovery of all time. However, the Lord anointed the spirit of Moses and gave him the details of this stupendous discovery, several centuries ago. For the life of a creature is in the blood (Leviticus 17:11a). What has been revealed to the anointed is still being discovered by the scientist.  If scientists include the Bible in their scientific research, it would speed up the duration of their inventions! Fasting anoints our spirit and our skin.     
  1. Accept: The same people who kicked and complained about Moses were afraid to come near him. When Aaron and all the Israelites saw Moses, his face was radiant, and they were afraid to come near him (Exodus 34:30). Fasting will silence the contempt and condescending comments. Fasting brings godly acceptance to the appointed.       
  1. Authority: Fasting plugs the battery of our soul into the power source. Moses was powered-up with the wisdom of not only a prophet but also a solicitor, artisan and a legislator after the fasting. Fasting birthed the Mosaic Laws that covered religious, social and humanitarian rules. Fasting supercharges our spirit with authority.             

Fasting anoints, appoints and accentuates authority.

Exodus 34:35a They saw that his face was radiant.

Prayer: Father of Lights, May your light radiate through my spirit, soul and skin. Give me the grace to fast. Amen.

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