04 February 2022 – Effective Prayer – Part 7

Matthew 6:12 And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us.

Jesus in the Lord’s Prayer, (the  prayer template), taught us to forgive those who hurt, harm and humiliate us. Jesus spent His first few hours of the morning in prayer. He prayed before multiplying the bread to the multitude; He prayed for little children; He prayed before the tomb of Lazarus; He prayed for His disciples and He prayed at the Garden of Gethsemane before His gruesome death on Calvary. However, the prayer that Jesus prayed on the cross was the most profound prayer of all – “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34).

Forgiveness is like peeling an onion. There will always be another layer to peel. The word forgiveness in Greek literally means “to let go”.  To let go of the offence is stage one but to pray for the forgiveness and redemption of the offender is stage two. Prayers with hidden grudge, resentment and bitterness in our heart, will be bounced back on our lap! Unforgiveness shuts the door of heaven to our prayers. However, forgiving a betrayer, backstabber and a buzzard will be much more difficult than to give away all our possessions to the poor. Forgiveness sets us free from the rut before it releases the offender.

It was the plea of Jesus to the Father, for the forgive the ruthless murderers, that won the soul of the callous centurion at the foot of the cross. The centurion exclaimed, “Surely He was the Son of God!” (Matthew 27:54). Jesus won souls even while He was bleeding and dying on the cross. Forgiveness overcomes evil with good. We win by tenderness. We conquer by forgiveness – Frederick W. Robertson.

Forgiveness supercharges our prayers:

  1. Converts: Forgiveness converts us before it transforms the offender. When we learn to forgive we will have no reason to blame. When Stephen was stoned to death for his faith, he prayed the same prayer that Jesus prayed forgiving the brutal fanatics. It was Stephen’s prayer of forgiveness that released mercy on Saul who was the maledict behind the murder. Forgiveness converted the bloodthirsty Saul into a soul-thirsty Paul.
  1. Diverts: Forgiveness harnesses our broken heart with love and deflects anger, hatred and animosity.  Forgiveness diverts our energy from retaliation and revenge and releases love, compassion and understanding. Prayer from the prison of bitterness will not be heard.
  1. Reverts: Forgiveness turns the situation right side up. Anger makes us withdrawn and coldhearted but forgiveness overturns hatred into pardon and rivalry into empathy. Forgiveness releases us from enmity and opens the door of heaven to hear our prayers.             

We forgive not because the offender has repented or has begged for forgiveness; We forgive to set ourselves   free from the incarceration of antagonism and for our prayers to echo into heaven. Forgiveness makes our prayers effective and powerful.

Matthew 6:14 For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, If you can pray for those who spitefully nailed you to the cross, I should be able to forgive my traitors and torturers. Help me to forgive my offenders. Amen.

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