18 February 2022 – Love – Part 7

Colossians 3:14 Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.

“What binds us together is love, and only love. For love is a Person. Love is God.” — Catherine Doherty.   

Love is a binding factor in any relationship. Love is the binding element that moderates behaviour, balances reactions and controls reciprocation. Wealth will be worthless and health will be hopeless without love. Celebrities, the influential, opulent and affluent end their lives tragically as they lack “love”. Surrounded by followers and friends cannot satisfy anyone with the deep want of love and acceptance because “love is a person”. Love is God. We can never be satiated with human relationships until we are nourished by the love of God.

Human relationships must be viewed through the binocular of God’s love but sadly most of us are taught to view God through the lens of our human relationships. A child who was abused by a human father can never see God as a Father who cares, without conditions or strings attached. Hence those who had an ugly past or indelible memory of abuse, struggle to taste the unconditional love of God. “With everlasting loving kindness I will have compassion on you,” Isaiah 54:8b. God’s love is beyond human limitations, favoritism or inadequacies.

Three attributes of love:

1.     Seasoning: Love is like the seasoning on a delicious meal. We can never taste the sumptuous extravagance unless it is salted and seasoned. We cannot appreciate our blessings or God’s goodness unless we taste His unconditional love. The ungrateful lack “love” in their spiritual pantry. All our relationships will be rendered meaningless if they are not seasoned with love. Season your relationship with God and people, with love.       

  1. Scissors: Love is like a surgical instrument, scissors or scalpels. God in His love will sever wrong relationships, connections or associations. God prunes some connections in love to keep us away from destruction.  Nothing is accidental in our lives. The Lord God is like a protective parent who firmly holds the hands of a careless child on a busy road. God’s love that connects or disconnects to shield us. So thank God for the rejections as much as you praise Him for the acceptance.    
  1. Sunshine: Love is like the sunshine. The sun doesn’t wait for anyone to wake up or go to sleep. God’s love for us is constant. We can never do anything to increase it or sin so miserably to lose it. God’s love is avidly evident in delayed answers and shut doors. We would never allow a child to play with a lit candle or would never entrust a teenager with a bunch of car keys. Similarly, God in His Sovereign love and compassion waits for us to mature, strengthen and grow up spiritually before He can open the door of elevation or enlargement.  So, taste God’s love even in the darkness, disappointment and dissolution.   

Soaking in the brine of God’s love will make us seasoned like Him.  

Romans 12:9 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.

Prayer: God of Compassion, Your love is beyond my human understanding. Whatever you do and all that you allow in my life only flows from genuine love from your bosom. Give me a heart of compassion like yours. Amen.

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