01 March 2022 – Musical Mysteries – Part 4

Exodus 32:19a When Moses approached the camp and saw the calf and the dancing, his anger burned.

 “Classical music is the best, and cheapest, mind-altering drug in the world.”- Kamand Kojouri

The music that we listen to can serve as a mind-altering medication or a mind massaging or manipulating drug. Dr. Annett Schirmer, Psychologist at the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans concluded after a research done in Oct 2012 that “Rhythmic sound not only coordinates the behavior of people in a group, it also coordinates their thinking—the mental processes of individuals in the group become synchronized.” This is why when we enter a bar and hear the thumping music of rock and roll, the rhythmic sound grabs control of everyone’s bodily movements and behaviour. We would notice feet tapping and head bobbing. As intoxication messes their logical thinking, their sensory perceptions are distorted causing perversion and ludicrous conduct.  

While Moses was on Mount Zion communing face to face with God for 40 days, the people grew impatient and molded a golden calf to worship it. The form and shape of the golden calf represented the Egyptian bull-god Apis, which was one among their many gods of fertility. Egyptian celebrations were accompanied by music, dance, garlands, myrrh, and drunkenness as they believed that the incense, loud music and dancing drove the hostile spirits away. The tap dancing of the Israelites was to the tune  of the foolish pagan rhythm.The people sat down to eat and drink, and got up to indulge in revelry (Exodus 32:6). Eating, drinking and indulging in dancing to the demonic drumbeats turned the redeemed slaves into rebels. As for Moses, the view of the partying from the mountain top would have been very similar to the bustling bars and nightclubs of the 21th century.  

Music medicates or manipulates the mind:

1.     Patterns: Music that we listen to forms the pattern of our thinking. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese man tested water by playing different kinds of music to it.  Classical music produced well-shaped crystals but heavy metal songs produced malformed, irregular crystals.  Our body is about 70% water. Hence it makes sense to conclude that music influences the thought patterns in our minds. The music we listen to fashions our thoughts to be pretty or perverted!

  1. Perceptions: As the music leaves curves and coils in our brain; the lyrics are embedded and imprinted in our brain. Perceptions are formed by the language, tone and sensuality that is fed to the mind. The morality of a person can be massaged by the music and the ethics can  be manipulated by songs. ‘Garbage-in garbage-out’.  The character of those who constantly feed their mind with swear words, riotous, bloodthirsty or immoral music/songs will be corroded over a period of time. Music shapes perceptions.  
  1. Purity: Music plays a very important part in keeping our minds pure. We have access to iTunes, YouTube and music wherever we are. So, the music that is jarring into our ears both consciously and unconsciously affects our character, conduct and purity. Ungodly, sensual and perverted music will boot holiness out of our life. Music influences purity.  

Music is the cheapest mind altering drug.

Psalm 57:7b I will sing, yes, I will sing praises!

Prayer: My Divine Daddy, give me the wisdom to reject any music that corrupts my character and lyrics that contort my thinking. Amen.

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