04 March 2022 – Musical Mysteries – Part 7

1 Samuel 18:6 When David returned from killing the Philistine, that the women came out of all the cities of Israel, singing and dancing, to meet King Saul, with tambourines, with joy and with other musical instruments.

 “Words I don’t really enjoy ‘cardio’, but I find activities like cranking up the music and dancing around my house keep me energized and feeling good.”- Miranda Kerr.

Music energizes the muscles. Singing exercises the major muscle groups in the upper body improving our cardiovascular system and dancing strengthens the bones, reduces the risk of osteoporosis, improves balance, agility and flexibility.

Before we had the technology to prerecord music, both ecstasy and mourning were expressed in spontaneous singing. Festivals and funerals were filled with either joyful or melancholic music. When David slew the Philistine giant, women inundated the streets with ecstatic songs playing their tambourines and musical instruments. After the great escape at the Red Sea, Miriam the sister of Moses and the women took their tambourines and sang delightful praises to the Lord (Exodus 15:20).  When the cousin of Mary, Elizabeth, met Mary after the annunciation, the baby in her womb leapt and she broke froth in spontaneous spirit-filled worship (Luke 1:39-45).    

There is a misconception in Christendom today that dancing is a female art. We hardly see men dancing in God’s presence. David was dancing before the Lord with all his might (2 Samuel 2:14).  David went ballistic before the Lord. We notice that many times even when we have a prerecorded worship music going, our mind wanders into futile worries. No matter how you sound, try singing with spontaneous songs of worship. Not everyone has the voice to sing through the microphone but all of us sound pristine when we sing in our prayer closet before the Lord.

Godly music energizes the muscles:

1.     Rejoice: Spontaneous worship is a very important part of our personal prayer hour. My lips shall greatly rejoice when I sing unto thee; and my soul…(Psalm 71:23). Singing rewires the thought process. Stop worrying about your problem and start focusing on the greatness of God.  Rejoicing will fill our lips with a new song and move our feet to dance to the drumbeat of our heart.     

  1. Recollect: Succinct  recollection of the power of God will lead to spontaneous worship. Praise Him for His acts of power; praise Him for His surpassing greatness (Psalm 150:2). Recollecting the exceeding supremacy of God will delve us into grateful songs and blissful moves.  
  1. Reenergize: Singing improves oxygen in-take into our lungs, leading to increased alertness. Anxiety causes shortness of breath and tightness of the muscles. However, a stress free soul strengthens the body. Fill your mind and mouth with joyful psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Don’t let the mind be vacant even for a few minutes.  An empty mind is the devil’s workshop. Reenergize your body by revitalizing your mind with praise and worship.   

Godly music revitalizes the mind and reenergizes the muscles. May spontaneous worship be part of our regular prayer routine.

Psalm 150:4 Praise Him with timbrel and dancing, praise Him with the strings and pipe.

Prayer: Father God, may my voice become the pipe organ and the clapping of my hands become the timbrel that resounds as splendid spontaneous worship before You. Amen.

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