05 March 2022 – The Shepherd’s Staff – Part 1

Psalm 23:1 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

Psalm 23 is the most popular psalm read in weddings, funerals and celebrations. However, the modern mind struggles to understand the metaphor of God as the Shepherd and us humans as the sheep. Shepherding is not a common occupation like teaching, nursing or accounting. In order to understand the depth and dependability of the relationship between a Shepherd and a sheep, we must comprehend the behaviour and characteristics of a sheep.

Despite the popular belief that sheep are dumb and unintelligent, it is proved that sheep are affectionate intelligent and emotional. They have incredible memories and can remember up to 50 individuals, (sheep and human!) for years at a time.  However, they lack a sense of direction! They are like stubborn drivers who would refuse to stop to ask for directions. BBC reported that in Eastern Turkey, 400 unattended sheep fell off a 15 meter cliff while their farmer was away having breakfast. The remaining  1,100 who jumped later were saved as the pile of the 400 bodies served as a cushioned landing pad. The first one went over the cliff and the others followed!

Sheep cannot live without a shepherd. Like sheep that lack the sense of direction, we have no sense of spiritual vision. Most times we make decisions based on what we feel, see, think and want. Like the sheep that wandered far from the shepherd only to fall from the cliff, we step into the unknown with illusions and delusions.

When we learn to remain under the guidance of Jesus, the Good Shepherd, we will lack no good thing. Young lions lack and go hungry, but those who seek the LORD will never lack any good thing (Psalm 34:10). We don’t have to be a young lion, just be an obedient sheep under the Shepherd’s shroud.    

The Good Shepherd directs, guides and counsels:

1.     Intelligence: Human intelligence and Godly wisdom will be conflating. While IQ coaches us to hoard wealth, divine wisdom will direct us to invest into eternity. IQ will try to understand a miracle with brainpower and medical evidence.  For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:25). Be a sheep that totally relies on the Shepherd for direction. When we trust the Shepherd, even if we jump off a cliff, His hand will be there to support and save us. Trust the Shepherd’s direction.      

  1. Insight:  Humans go by physical eyesight but the Shepherd directs with divine insight. Human eyes see lack and depravity but the Shepherd’s vision envisages our potential and ability. The Shepherd doesn’t see our inabilities and failures but envisions us as victors and overcomers. Rely on divine insight.      
  1. Intuition: Humans are directed by instincts and intuition. If our soul is steeped in worldliness or worries, our intuitions will be  carnal. When our soul is pounded by anxiety, our intuition will be directed by fear. We are like sheep that clearly lack clarity and sense of divine direction. Hence, follow the Shepherd.

Be a subservient sheep under the Shepherd’s staff.

Revelation 7:17a For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd.

Prayer: Pappa God, I submit myself to remain as a sheep under your divine counsel and direction. Under the staff of the Shepherd there is no lack. Amen.

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