07 March 2022 – The Shepherd’s Staff – Part 3

Psalm 23:3 He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake.

While enjoying the fertile green pastures, the sheep would accidentally roll over on their backs with their legs in the air flailing. The old English shepherds called this “cast down”. Though the sight of the ‘cast down’ sheep is hilarious their state is very pitiful.In that position the sheep is completely helpless and if it is not turned over, they would die. The “cast down” sheep are totally dependent on the Shepherd to be restored.

The knock-downs of depression, rejection or oppression leave us in the “cast down” position.  Self motivation, positive affirmation or willpower cannot restore us from the cast down positions unless the Good Shepherd, Jesus restores us back on our feet. Philip Keller, was a shepherd in both Africa and North America, as well as a pastor and author of the book “A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23”. Hestates that sheep will be restless for four main reasons – when they are afraid, when there is friction among the flock, when flies bother them and when they are hungry. The four F’s ‘Fear, Friction, Flies and Food’ agitate the flock. A good shepherd would sense the restlessness in the flock and restore them with loving care.

Likewise, ‘anxiety, animosity, anger and wrong appetites’ agitates our soul. Spiritual restlessness will lag our progress and stunt our growth. Many a times those who hurt us move on but we are stuck in the pain and pitiful state of bitterness and hostility.

He restores us for His name sake as His children cannot fail or be knocked down.  If a shepherd ignores a cast down sheep, the loss is his; similarly, if the Lord disregards His downcast children, His name, His reputation and His victory is in stake. Our success is God’s success, our reputation is God’s reputation and our restoration is God’s delight.

The Good Shepherd restores:

1.     Connections: Jesus the Good Shepherd restores our relationships. He restores our relationship with Him when we fall into the muddy mess of sin. He restores our  bond in our marriage, in friendships and fellowships to put us back into the flock. We are social and emotional beings like the sheep and not intended to live solo lives. Good Shepherd restores relationships.         

  1. Calling/Career: Jesus restores our calling and career. If sin had stolen our calling and wrong decisions or sickness had pilfered our career, the Good Shepherd restores. Our progress is God’s victory. We cannot remain in failure as our reputation is God’s reputation. Good Shepherd will restore our career and calling for His name sake.      
  1. Confidence: Jesus restores our confidence. A shepherd’s touch restores confidence to the frazzled and frightened flock. Similarly, when we are cast down in fear, frenzy or friction, the hand of the Good Shepherd touches us and His tangible presence restores us. Good Shepherd restores confidence

Our Good Shepherd restores a downtrodden soul for His name sake.

Psalm 51:12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation.

Prayer: My Good Shepherd, I’m marveled at your restoration plan for the cast down sheep like me. You restore me for your name sake as my progress is your pleasure.  Amen.

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