09 March 2022 – The Shepherd’s Staff – Part 5

Psalm 23:4a  Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.

The Kidron valley in Israel, which is between the Mount of Olives and the Temple Mount, is called “the valley of the shadow of death”. It is a graveyard where the dead have been buried for many centuries. The word ‘Kidron’ means blackness and mourning. Traditionally, during the annual Jewish festivals, the temple at Jerusalem would be grandiosely lit with lights which would illuminate the whole city. However, as the Kidron Valley drops from an elevation of above 700 meters to minus 450 meters below sea level, there would be a giant shadow of the temple wall over the valley. Kidron valley would be the only place that would be darkened by a ginormous shadow during the feasts.

When King David was betrayed by His own son and driven out of the palace, he passed through Kidron. The king also himself passed over the brook Kidron (2 Samuel 15:23). Yet the ‘shadow of shame’ was only short-lived as the Lord reinstated the kingdom back to David. The valley of the shadow of death was a real experience for David as he ran for his life. The darkness of stigma, suffering and sickness are only shadows that will soon vanish when the sun rises.

The dictionary meaning of death is “end of life”. Death is not the end, it is the beginning. When we watch the sun setting on the shore, it looks like the sun has drowned into the vast ocean. The sun disappears only to rise on the other side of the world. Similarly, death is only like the drowning sun!  The body goes down into the ground, the spirit returns to the Lord and the soul wakes up to live forever.  For then the dust will return to the earth, and the spirit will return to God who gave it (Ecclesiastes 12:7). Even death is only a shadow.

The Good Shepherd carries:

1.     Shadow: Donald Grey Barnhouse was an outstanding American Christian preacher, pastor, theologian, radio pioneer and writer, who preached to his children and congregation at his wife’s funeral, “Death is a truck, but the shadow is all that ever touches the Christian. The truck ran over the Lord Jesus. Only the shadow has gone over mother.” Death is only like the setting sun; the Good Shepherd will lead us from the earth into eternity to be with Him forever. Shadow of death does not hurt.         

  1. Stigma: The shadow of shame is temporary.  The stigma, shame, slander and false accusations are only temporary. The sun of righteousness will rise to dissipate the shadow of shame. Shadow of stigma will only short live.
  1. Shade: The Good Shepherd will be a shade at our right hand in the shadow of the valley of death. The Lord is your shade at your right hand (Psalm 121:5). The Good Shepherd is our shade and shelter in the valley.   

Our Good Shepherd carries us through the valleys of life.

Psalm 84:6 As they pass through the valley of tears, they make it a place of springs.

Prayer: Jesus My Good Shepherd, I will rest on your shoulders as I pass through the valley of shame, suffering and sickness. Even the shadow of death will not hurt me.  Amen.

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