11 March 2022 – The Shepherd’s Staff – Part 7

Psalm 23:6 Surely your goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

We see that tense changes from the third person to the second person in the last two verses of Psalm 23. The first three verses highlight the theology of God as a ‘Good Shepherd’. The fourth verse talks about the typology of His character as a ‘Good Shepherd’ who carries us through the dark valley. The last two verses are a conversation about the tenderness of the ‘Good Shepherd’.

The Psalm ensures us with two inseparable comrades, “goodness” and “mercy” who will escort us on earth and guide us into eternity. The Good Shepherd walks before us but God’s goodness and His mercy are our rear guards. It is imperative to remember that God’s goodness and mercy will only accompany the sheep that follow the Good Shepherd.

It is the goodness of God that lifts us up when we fall into formidable sins over and over again. It is His goodness that brings a sinner out of addiction. It is the goodness of God that did not give-up on us and ensured the assurance of forgiveness and acceptance.  Likewise, it is the mercy of God that washes away our stubborn sins of disobedience. It is the mercy of God that restores an adulterer, idolater and violator back to the position of a son and daughter. It is the mercy of God that morphs an infamy sinner into an infallible,  influential saint. The goodness of God that redeemed a corrupt government officer, Mathew, to write the first book of the New Testament and the mercy of God that transformed a murderer, Paul, into an author of divine scriptures. Goodness recovers the sinner and mercy restores sonship.

The Good Shepherd secures:

1.     Twine-Siblings: Those who follow the voice of the Good Shepherd are accompanied by the twin siblings, ‘Goodness and Mercy’. There are no sibling rivalries between these siblings and the sheep. There is no jealousy, comparison or animosity. They are silent, supportive and matured escorts who would  never leave, betray or walk away. Twine-siblings accompany us throughout our journey into eternity.         

  1. Two-Securities: We the sheep have two well-built, armed and alert security guards accompanying us. No smear, no snare or slur can attack us off guard. The goodness of God and the mercy of God are like watchdogs that protect our reputation, remarks and riches. Two security guards are our rear guards.
  1. Two-Sureties: God’s children have two sureties – the goodness of God that restores our brokenness and the mercy of God that reinstates us to the position of power. We need these sureties throughout our lifetime on earth. There is no saint who can bid goodbye to the two buddies. We cannot live victorious lives and bring glory to God unless we are protected by the two sureties “goodness” and “mercy”  

Our Good Shepherd recovers and restores.

Psalm 31:19 Oh, how abundant is your goodness.

Prayer: Jesus My Good Shepherd, thank you for my security guards who watch over me like watch dogs. I submit to listen to your voice and follow your lead.  Amen.

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