14 March 2022 – Miraculous March – Part 3

2 Kings 6:5 As one of them was cutting down a tree, the iron axhead fell into the water. “Oh no, my lord!” he cried out. “It was borrowed!”.

Miracles start with a problem. The problem could be self-made, man-made or demonically driven. Our own faults  could push us into pitfalls or the envy and animosity of people around us could crush us or our storm could be perilous from the pit of hell.  The source of the setback does not stop the Saviour from giving us a solution to the situation. Go to the Miracle Maker with your problem.

Elisha’s prophetic school hostel was too small to accommodate the growing strength of students, hence the company of prophets suggested that they would build a bigger boarding house. So they went to chop some wood near the river Jordan and as one of them was cutting down a tree, the iron axe head of the borrowed axe fell into the water. According to Exodus 21:14, the loss would have to be repaid in full. Iron products were rare, precious and expensive commodities in those times. It was like crashing a borrowed BMW, Ferrari or Tesla.  The heart of the student sank with the iron axe head. While the student was drowning in the chaos, Elisha saw this as an opportunity to turn the problem into a practical class for the students to exhibit the miracle working power of God. Elisha cut a stick and threw it there, and made the iron float (2 Kings 6:6b).

Miracles will defy the law of physics, the law of gravity and the social laws. The man who lost the ax would have thought that it is impossible to drive into the river Jordan to find the ax. He would have thought that he had lost his life savings with the axe head! Miracles reverse the scientific laws and the laws of the land.

Mandate-3: Miracles start with a crisis and end in a celebration.

1.     Problems: The problem that we face could be our own making, a weakness or a silly mistake. Our own mess doesn’t disqualify us from divine intervention.  Miracles start with a problem. So, go to God with your blunder in repentance. God is in the business of recycling mistakes into miracles.         

2.     Pandemonium: The ruthless or revengeful could stir up a problem that we did not foresee. We might not have directly or indirectly caused the pandemonium but God will deliver us from the ruckus when we cry out to Him. God’s expertise is to mock the wicked by turning a pandemonium into a pedestal of promotion for His children.

  1. Peril: The peril could be from the invisible and unseen realm. When all of hell breaks loose, Heaven backslashes the diabolical attack and bolsters its children. God’s proficiency is to turn the demonic peril into divine progress.   

Mandate 3 – Miracles start with a problem, pandemonium or peril and end in an astonishing phenomenon, promotion and progress. March into a miraculous March.

2 Kings 6:7 “Lift it out,” he said. Then the man reached out his hand and took it.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, may my heart never sink when I face troubles, as problems are a catalyst to experience stupendous miracles.  Amen.

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