16 March 2022 – Miraculous March – Part 5

2 Kings 3:16 Thus says the Lord, Make this valley full of ditches.

Make room for the miracle. Miracles happen only when we make room for the miracle. In 2 Kings chapter 3, three kings and their army were stuck in the middle of a desert with no water. The cavalry was dying of dehydration. However, the Prophet Elisha prophesied, dig the valley full of ditches. For this is what the Lord says: You will see neither wind nor rain, yet this valley will be filled with water, and you, your cattle and your other animals will drink (2 Kings 3:17). The sky was clear and there was no wind, no rainstorm but the prophet said, dig cisterns to hold the water. The Prophet simply said, make room for the miracle before you see, feel or experience it.

A very important miracle mandate is to prepare to receive the miracle before we witness the blessing.  When we pray for rain we must carry an umbrella. When we pray for healing we must have our running shoes on. When we pray for a job we must preplan the tithe before we receive the job contract. When we pray for breakthroughs our thinking must be reformed to make room for the miracle. As the dying army obediently dug ditches in the dry valley, flashfloods from the nearby country of Edom flooded the ditches. There was no thunder or rainclouds yet the valley was drenched with water.  If the camp had not dug ditches or tanks to hold the water, the floods would have run past the valley and drained into the sea without filling the trenches for the people and the animals to drink. 

Mandate-5: Make room for the miracle.

1.     Dig: Dig ditches, tanks and reservoirs in our hearts to receive the miracle. There are many miracles that pass by as we have no room to receive them. Mindset, lifestyles and our confessions are ditches that can be filled with blessings. Speak about the blessing that has been promised but is yet to be manifested. The ditches we dig will be filled with flashfloods of divine blessings. Dig ditches.         

2.     Dump: Dump doubt that chokes the blessing. The doubt that we ingest will digest as disbelief into our bones and blood. Doubt is like a virus. If the mind is infested with doubt, the soul will be infected with disbelief. Disbelief will shut the door of Heaven. Because of their unbelief, He (Jesus) couldn’t do any miracles (Mark 6:5). Dump doubt.   

  1. Drench: Saturate yourself in the presence of God. The next morning, about the time for offering the sacrifice, there it was—water flowing from the direction of Edom! (2 Kings 3:20). In the midst of lack and dryness, as the scorch soldiers were preparing to offer sacrifice, the land was filled with water. Don’t stop worshipping, singing and praising while waiting for the miracle to unfold. Drench in His presence.        

Mandate 5 – Make room for the miracle. March into a miraculous March.

2 Kings 3:19a This is an easy thing in the eyes of the Lord.

Prayer: God my Provider, I demolish doubt and disbelief to make room to receive the blessings.  Amen.

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