18 March 2022 – Miraculous March – Part 7

1 Chronicles 4:10 Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request.

Your miracle is in your mouth. We choose the words that come out of our mouth. Our words can be affirmative, informative and assertive or it can be menial, mean or mediocre. A powerful prayer would be “Lord keep your arm around my shoulder but your hand over my mouth”. Many miss their miracle by their malicious mouth.  Research proves that there are more negative nay-sayers than positive optimists. There are more who react to negative bias, pay attention to lack, bad news, insults and pessimistic stimuli than those who respond to positive instincts. When negative bias dominates our mind, our mouth will masticate our miracle.    

The name Jabez means “pain/sorrowful”. The birth of Jabez was extremely painful. There were no caesarean sections or forceps to assist a woman during delivery prior to the 1700s. Hence the mother of Jabez who struggled to deliver Jabez named him ‘pain’!  Everyone who called Jabez called him Mr. Sorrowful, Mr. Unfortunate or Mr. Unlucky! His name brought pain, grief and disaster. He was ostracized as those who rubbed shoulders with Jabez also suffered trouble and tragedy. Jabez decided to change his fate. He prayed a profound prayer to change the ill that was shot at him. God granted his request.

God will honour the words that come from the lips that are pure, non-judgmental and humble. Words from lying lips and prayers from prideful hearts will not reach Heaven. Give ear to my prayer, which is not from deceitful lips (Psalm 17:1b). We can change our troubles by training our thoughts and taming the tongue.

Are you neglected, forsaken or despised?

Mandate-7: Your miracle is in your mouth.

1.     Mouth: Name it and claim it is a myth. The magic is not in your words but the miracle is in the lips of the faithful. The words of the righteous become miraculous utterances that mutilate the maledicts of the wicked. We know that God does not hear sinners (John 9:3). Even the casual words of the meek will turn into miraculous prophecies. The meek speak miraculous utterances.    

2.     Modify: The words of our mouth renovate the atmosphere around us. Our words modify our moods and meditation. If we talk  about ‘doom and gloom’ or ‘loss and misfortune’ we will slump but when we reiterate the miracle working power of God it will morph us into the miraculous territory of victory. Modify your mood with your words.

  1. Myriad: The words of our mouth employ a myriad of angelic hosts. When we pray, For He shall give His angels charge over you (Psalm 91:11), we will enjoy divine protection. Praise activates miracles by deploying angels into action. Praise is the command signal of Heaven that angels understand. Employ the myriad of angels to enjoy the miracle.        

Mandate-7 – Your miracle is in your mouth. March victoriously into a miraculous March.

Isaiah 44:26a He confirms the word of His servant.

Prayer: God of Miracles, May my words be power-packed and armed by your miraculous authority.  Amen.

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