26 March 2022 – Seven Good Habits – Part 1

Daniel 6:10a Even after Daniel heard that this law had been signed, he continued his custom of going home to kneel down to prayer and give thanks to God in the upper chamber, three times a day, with the windows open toward Jerusalem. (NAB)

Thoughts become words, words become actions, repeated actions become behaviours and behaviour patterns form character and character decides our destiny.  “Good habits are the key to all success. Bad habits are the unlocked doors to failure” – Og Mandino.  We are not born with good habits. Both good and bad habits are developed by repetition. Thoughts are like electrical circuits from the head to the hand. Bridled thoughts illuminate the body but uncontrolled, wild thoughts darken the soul. Repeated actions result in habit formation. “Task of breaking a bad habit is like a powerful oak tree within us. The task of building a good habit is like cultivating a delicate flower, one day at a time.” – James Clear.

The young man Daniel had developed the habit of praying three times a day. The Jewish custom to pray three times a day evolved into a habit of prayer in Daniel. New luxurious environment, power, promotions, additional responsibilities or titles couldn’t break the discipline of prayer of the extremely busy top government official, Daniel. Even the king’s decree that ‘anyone who prays to their God for the next 30 days will be fed to the hungry lions’ could not break the discipline of prayer.

Prayer is a developed disciple, it is not a spiritual gift. Regular and routine prayer instills a system in the soul. Prayer is like a systematic staircase to the gates of Heaven. “The value of persistent prayer is not that He will hear us but we will finally hear him.” – William MGill. Break sluggishness and laziness and build the disciple of prayer.

The first good habit to develop is the “Discipline of Prayer”:

1.     Break: Break irregularities, lethargy and erratic prayer schedules. God is not a fire brigade or an emergency hospital ward to run to Him when we have a problem. He is GOD. The one who flung the universe into being and created you and me. Seeking Him should be our first and most important appointment of the day. Break laziness.   

2.     Build: Build a routine and a rhythm of prayer. Prayer is not a choice of flamboyant expressions and superfluous words but it is a structured systematic approach to the throne of the All Mighty God. Praise, songs, loving conversations and petitions are different aspects of prayer. Set a time, place and hour for prayer. Build a sound prayer system.        

  1. Bond: Prayer builds our bond with our Heavenly Father. “Prayer is the lifeblood of an intimate relationship with the Father” – Dr. Charles Stanley.  Don’t bond with friends who would lure you to break your good decisions or the discipline of prayer.  Prayer is bonding with our Divine Daddy.

Develop a methodical, regular and systematic disciple of prayer.

Psalm 55:17 Evening, morning and at noon will I pray and cry aloud and He will hear my voice.

Prayer: Abba Father, no human relationship or friendship can match your unfailing graciousness and goodness. May I never miss my prayer appointment with thee.  Amen.

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