28 March 2022 – Seven Good Habits – Part 3

Genesis 14:20b Then Abram gave Melchizedek a tenth of all the goods he had recovered.

Abraham gave tithe even before the law of Moses included tithing as a requirement in the Mosaic law. “Giving and generosity” must not be under compulsion but must be an expression of deep gratitude for God’s goodness and graciousness. We don’t give our treasure, time or talent to get more brownie points on the spiritual chart.

Abraham impressed God not only by his monetary giving but also in sacrificial obedience. Imagine the scene on Mt. Moriah where God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac. The 100 years of waiting, the birth of Isaac, Isaac’s first smile, first steps, first words, his giggling, chatter as a toddler and his teenage skills would have reeled before Abraham. Before Abraham tied Isaac and laid him on the wooden altar to sacrifice as God had commanded him, Abraham would have hugged and kissed Isaac a million times. We are not sure how long the farewell crying and hugging went on but God was silent until Abraham raised his hand up to slay his son. But the angel of the Lord called out to him from Heaven, “Abraham! Abraham!”.. “Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.” (Genesis 22:11 & 12). Abraham did not give from his surplus, he was willing to sacrifice his only son. We cannot out-give God. God is no man’s debtor (Romans 11:35a). The Lord God multiplied the seed of Abraham into the mighty nation of Israel.

Neither the Pharaoh could annihilate the Jews nor the emperor Nero could not contain the explosion of Christianity.  The early church responded to the Neronian persecution by loving and caring even for the non-Jews and non-Christian orphans and widows on the streets. The “social welfare system” for the needy was first initiated by the early church. Gratitude and generosity nurture together.

The third good habit to cultivate is “generosity”:

1.     Give-2-Get: We don’t give to get. God doesn’t need our money or our mansions. Our generosity is only a measure of our love, not our lavishness. For all the animals of the forest are mine, and I own the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10). “Give-2-Get” is a wrong principle.   

2.     Get-2-Give: God has blessed us to be a blessing. Giving away the surplus is not giving, it is called decluttering. Generosity should pinch/hurt us. “Get-2-Give” is a Godly principle.      

  1. Get Going: Genuine generosity is like lending to the banks of Heaven. Kindness to the poor is a loan to the LORD, and He will repay the lender (Genesis 19:17). The interest rate of God’s repayment plan will be 200%! Giving does not enslave the needy to us but generosity makes God our debtor. Lend to God’s treasury and you will never be in lack. Give and forget about your generosity. Never mention, testify or boast about it. Give and get going.

Cultivate giving and generosity – You can never out-give God .

James 1:27 Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress.

Prayer: My Generous Father, you did not even spare Jesus to die in my place to redeem me. I give you my life and my all. Amen.

Genesis 14:20b Then Abram gave Melchizedek a tenth of all the goods he had recovered.

Abraham gave tithe even before the law of Moses included tithing as a requirement in the Mosaic law. “Giving and generosity” must not be under compulsion but must be an expression of deep gratitude for God’s goodness and graciousness. We don’t give our treasure, time or talent to get more brownie points on the spiritual chart.

Abraham impressed God not only by his monetary giving but also in sacrificial obedience. Imagine the scene on Mt. Moriah where God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac. The 100 years of waiting, the birth of Isaac, Isaac’s first smile, first steps, first words, his giggling, chatter as a toddler and his teenage skills would have reeled before Abraham. Before Abraham tied Isaac and laid him on the wooden altar to sacrifice as God had commanded him, Abraham would have hugged and kissed Isaac a million times. We are not sure how long the farewell crying and hugging went on but God was silent until Abraham raised his hand up to slay his son. But the angel of the Lord called out to him from Heaven, “Abraham! Abraham!”.. “Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.” (Genesis 22:11 & 12). Abraham did not give from his surplus, he was willing to sacrifice his only son. We cannot out-give God. God is no man’s debtor (Romans 11:35a). The Lord God multiplied the seed of Abraham into the mighty nation of Israel.

Neither the Pharaoh could annihilate the Jews nor the emperor Nero could not contain the explosion of Christianity.  The early church responded to the Neronian persecution by loving and caring even for the non-Jews and non-Christian orphans and widows on the streets. The “social welfare system” for the needy was first initiated by the early church. Gratitude and generosity nurture together.

The third good habit to cultivate is “generosity”:

1.     Give-2-Get: We don’t give to get. God doesn’t need our money or our mansions. Our generosity is only a measure of our love, not our lavishness. For all the animals of the forest are mine, and I own the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10). “Give-2-Get” is a wrong principle.   

2.     Get-2-Give: God has blessed us to be a blessing. Giving away the surplus is not giving, it is called decluttering. Generosity should pinch/hurt us. “Get-2-Give” is a Godly principle.      

  1. Get Going: Genuine generosity is like lending to the banks of Heaven. Kindness to the poor is a loan to the LORD, and He will repay the lender (Genesis 19:17). The interest rate of God’s repayment plan will be 200%! Giving does not enslave the needy to us but generosity makes God our debtor. Lend to God’s treasury and you will never be in lack. Give and forget about your generosity. Never mention, testify or boast about it. Give and get going.

Cultivate giving and generosity – You can never out-give God .

James 1:27 Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress.

Prayer: My Generous Father, you did not even spare Jesus to die in my place to redeem me. I give you my life and my all. Amen.

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