22 April 2022 – Heaven is Real – Part 7

Revelation 21:27 Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.

The birth register of Heaven is called the Lambs’ book of life. Accepting Jesus as our Lord and Saviour enters our name in the registry of Heaven. Our names will be checked and marked in the chronicle before we enter into the pearly gates of Heaven. We don’t become angels when we die. We will have glorified bodies but will be recognizable in Heaven. Heaven is not just filled with myriads of souls worshiping the Lord, it abounds with individuals with unique personalities.

Furthermore, we will not be disconnected from the earth once we move into the Heavenlies. Those in Heaven are more aware of the end times than those on earth. The martyrs in Heaven call out with a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” (Revelation 6:10). Stephen, the first New Testament martyr, the twelve apostles, Apostle Paul and millions of martyrs who were burnt alive, fed to lions, stoned or gassed to death for the sake of Christ Jesus, are waiting for the final judgement. However, the violence, bloodshed or the cruelty on earth will not bring sorrow as they would have the panorama view from the beginning to the end and the vindication of the Lord. The dead in Christ are watching with anxious anticipation from Heaven as we run our race victoriously on earth.

Three assurances in Heaven:                                                                                                                               

1.     Recognize: We will be recognizable and we will recognize everyone in heaven. We will have feasts with King David, Queen Esther and Daniel.  We will go fishing with Peter and walking with Cleopas. Even the Rich Man in hell could recognize Lazarus and Abraham, how much more would the royal residents of Heaven. We will recognize each other in Heaven.     

2.     Reunite: There will be a divine reunion of friends and family in eternity. If the second coming of Jesus is during our lifetime, we will reunite in midair with our grandmas and grandpas and our dear ones. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him (1 Thessalonians 4:14). We will recognize our unborn child that we lost or our great grandma who prayed for us, whom we have never met on earth. Heaven is a joyous place of reunion. We will reunite with our dear ones in Heaven.

  1. Refurbished: Our thinking will be refurbished to the likeness and love of Jesus. Even the company of those whom we could not tolerate on earth – (a repented betrayer, converted crook or a flawed friend), will not make us repulsive. The wolf will live with the lamb (Isaiah 11:6a). Our forgiveness will be complete without mars or scars. There will be no sorrow or pain hence our love will be pure and joy will be perfect. Our new spiritual body will be refurbished to the likeness of our Saviour.       

Heaven is not surreal, Heaven is real.

Isaiah 66:1a Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, may the reality of Heaven sink into my soul that I may bring Heaven down to earth. Amen.

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