10 May 2022 – God’s Golden Girls – Part 4

Acts 16:14 One of those listening was a woman from the city of Thyatira named Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth. She was a worshiper of God. The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul’s message.

A deep desire to know God, will impress the heart of the Saviour. Lydia, a gentile, was a worshipper of the One True God. Lydia was an enterprising entrepreneur. There is no mention of her husband, so it is believed that she was a widow with children and many servants or slave workers. She was originally from Thyatira, Asia Minor (modern day Turkey), which was famous in producing the expensive purple dye that was extracted from several species of Murex snail found in the Mediterranean sea. Another source of purple dye was probably from the roots of the madder plant found in this area. Tyrian purple was used to dye textiles and highest quality cloth. “Dibapha”, means ‘twice dipped’ in the purple dye. This was only used by the elite and royalty in the society.

There was an urge in the heart of Paul to minister in Asia Minor, the region that Lydia came from but was forbidden by the Holy Spirit and Paul was redirected to Philippi, Macedonia which is where the soul from Thyatira (Lydia) was longing for the gospel. Lydia moved away from the very competitive market in Asia Minor, (Turkey) to Philippi (modern day Greece) in order to establish her own brand. She had a large house and many servants. Traditions confirm that affluent Lydia was also a very influential person in her society.  When she and the members of her household were baptized, she invited us to her home. (Acts 16:15a). The first church in Philippi was established at the house of a gentile believer Lydia.

It was not the wealth, the net worth but the deep desire to know the risen Saviour that made Lydia God’s golden girl.

Three uses of God given gifts:   

1.     Educated: Use your education to draw near God. ““It takes more faith to be an atheist than to believe in God.” – Ruth Bell Graham. Scientists who cannot justify evolution with any of their findings require much more faith to not believe in a Creator. Use your intellect to educate the Biblical illiterates to become God’s golden girls/boys.

2.     Elite: Use your influence, affluence and opulence to glorify God. The house we live in, the car we drive and the status we enjoy belong to God. Our wealth and our bank balance did not come from our smartness or canny career. Influence the people at your workplace, social clubs or walking groups that the church or pulpits cannot preach or reach.

  1. Earnest: Lydia was a thriving business magnet yet she found time to attend the ladies prayer group. A quorum of 10 Jewish men was required to have a synagogue. Apparently there were not enough men to have a synagogue gathering, so the women gathered around at the lakeside to worship. The eager, earnest enthusiasm for God made Lydia a golden girl for Jesus.    

Use your education, career and passion to be listed as God’s golden boy/girl.

Acts 16:15b “If you consider me a believer in the Lord,” she said, “come and stay at my house.” And she persuaded us.

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