14 May 2022 – The Enemy – Part 1

Matthew 12:24 When the Pharisees heard this, they said, “It is only by Beelzebul, the prince of demons, that this fellow drives out demons.”

Beelzebul, was the god of Ekron, the pagan Philistine city (2 Kings 1:2). Beelzebub means “lord of the flies.” In Hebrew literature, the name is translated to mean “lord of dung” or “lord of filth.”  Exorcism was an ancient Jewish practice yet, they had not witnessed authoritative expulsion of demons until the time of Jesus.  He was casting out a demon,…and the crowds were amazed (Luke 11:14). The people marveled but the Pharisees maligned as they were envious of Jesus.  Jesus knew the thoughts of the Pharisees and confronted them. If satan drives out satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand? (Matthew 12:26). Jesus confirmed two truths in His confrontation. Firstly, that satan is Beelzebul, the ‘lord of the flies’ and secondly that he rules over an organized kingdom of demons.

‘Lord of the flies’ was not introduced by William Golding in his Nobel Prize-winning novel. Beelzebul is mentioned seven times both in the Old Testament and the New Testament. The name given to satan and his kingdom confirms the nature and the behaviour of the demonic world.

There is a very interesting hypothesis from Italian naturalist and physician, Francesco Redi. He proved that without flies on a dead carcass there will be no maggots.  Redi, disproved ‘spontaneous generation’ centuries ago and proved that living organisms came from other living organisms and not from non-living sources. Similarly, demons (flies) feed on dead and destructive thoughts and lay millions of eggs (dirty, foul or demeaning ideas) to produce maggots (sin). Maggots are the poisonous reactions and lethal actions that we witness as ‘hate, violence or evil’ in the world.    

Three basic nature of the enemy and his demonic kingdom:    

1.     Flies: Beelzebul and his demonic myriads endeavour to multiply evil. Flies lay hundreds of eggs on the dead carcass that begin to hatch within a day. Similarly, a harsh comment, hurt or harassment if left unattended will be infested with maggots of anger, irritation, resentment, that will turn into rage and revenge. An Egyptian god that symbolizes ‘eternal life’ is‘flies’. The fourth plague over Egypt defeated the tyranny of Beelzebul. The houses of the Egyptians will be full of flies (Exodus 8:21). Flies (demons) lay eggs of antagonism and infest souls with the maggots of enmity.

2.     Lies: The mother tongue of the demonic world is ‘lies’. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies (John 844b). The lies that ‘we are not loved, we are a failure, God does not love us’ are fabrications from the ‘lord of the files’. Deafen your ears to the voice and lie from the demons.       

  1. Flees: A meat sealed in an airtight container and refrigerated cannot attract flies. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7). Turn a cold shoulder to the files (demons) and he will flee from you.

The enemy is rightly named the ‘lord of the flies’ that multiplies maggots.

Matthew 12:28 If I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.

Prayer: Holy God, may I never entertain anything unholy, filthy or petty that will attract the files and hatch into maggots of sin. Amen.

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