15 May 2022 – The Enemy – Part 2

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.

The demons and the devil, their master, are thieves. Thieves steal only what is valuable to us. Burglars don’t look for broken pottery, artificial jewelry or used clothing. They go after cash and gold in the safety locker. Similarly, the deceiver is after our precious possession. He is not after your property but he is after your peace. He is not after your promotion but he is after your purpose. He is not after your career or your car but he is after your calling. Demons are not going to enjoy your property or position, but they are after our purity, purpose and piety. The temptation to lie to get a promotion is only a trap to steal our integrity. Hence it is important to understand the traits of the traitor to break the hedge of our homes and our hearts.

The standard tools that the demonic world uses to insidiously creep-in are fear, envy, doubt and pride. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world (1 John 2:16). The attack of the enemy will be subtle. On a bright day, suddenly a qualm of fear or evil foreboding will steal our joy away. Doubt would come like a brilliant analysis and cautious foresight. “What if” questions are insinuating interjections from the demonic world. “What if I lose my job?” “What if I don’t find a suitable life partner?” “What if this mole turns into a tumour”.  When we entertain the ‘what if’ questions, we will be filled with anxiety and lose our peace. Apprehension erodes peace and piety. Envy is rooted in insecurity and insecurity is the by-product of comparison. Jealousy incites criticism and pride invokes ingratitude. Once the enemy finds a foothold he will slip into our life to cause havoc.  

Three security measures against the demonic raiders:              

1.     Sleep: Prayerlessness opens a wide door to the marauders.  Jesus said, “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation” (Matthew 26:41a). Prayer is the connection with heaven. Prayerlessness damages the wiring of the spiritual sensors. Prayer disconnection is like turning-off the alarm system of the house. The looters will ravage our homes when there is no prayer protection.

2.     Sneak: Humility is the spiritual security camera of the soul. Humility keeps us tucked under the cloak of the Almighty God. Humility gives us the grace to accept a redeemed sinner and not be judgemental. Humility guards our mind from arrogance. When the security camera is switched-off the soul is blinded to the truth. Pride allows the looters to sneak-in and pilfer unity, trust and authenticity.       

  1. Secure‘Sense, lens and pretense’ are three checks that keep us secured from intrusion of the enemy. Keeping our sensory organs under control, guarding the eyes which is the light and lens to the soul and guarding our heart from hypocrisy, facades or phoniness keeps the spiritual security system alert. Be spiritually alert.

The enemy is a thief who is after our character, children and calling.

2 Timothy 2:22 Flee the evil desires of youth.

Prayer: My Divine Protector, help me to keep my spiritual security system intact, alert and awake to keep the demonic invaders away. Amen.

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