26 May 2022 – Signs vs Superstitions – Part 6

Act 8:9 Now for some time a man named Simon had practiced sorcery in the city and amazed all the people of Samaria.

Simon of Samaria was a magician who tricked people with his sorcery. They followed him because he had amazed them for a long time with his sorcery (Acts 8:11). Black magic is a form of sorcery that draws malevolent powers from the dark world to manipulate, kill, steal, injure and cause misfortune, accidents or destruction for personal gains. The modern day sorcerers are called “Witch Doctors”. Magic or sorcery is a lucrative practice of ‘conscious manipulation’ to achieve selfish desires. At times it could involve the use of drugs, herbs and mind controlling mixtures. Simon fooled the people of Samaria with this Dark Arts and Black Magic for years.

As the gospel spread to Samaria, Simon also heard and accepted the truth and was baptized. However, he did not have true conversion or repentance of sins. When he saw Peter and John laying their hands on the people to receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit, Simon said, “Give me also this ability so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 8:19). Peter was infuriated at the crookedness of Simon.  Peter answered: “May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money! (Acts 8:20) and rebuked him to repent of his rebellion and bitterness.

The rudimentary difference between miracles and magic is that miracles ‘liberate’ but magic ‘manipulates’.

Miracles vs Magic:              

1.     Fame: Magic or sorcery is practiced to gain fame and popularity. All the people, both high and low, gave him their attention and exclaimed, “This man is rightly called the Great Power of God (Acts 8:10). Ministers of God should never seek fame. It is not the number of likes on FB  or the number of followers on instagram that determines our authenticity. God gives us miraculous powers to bless and serve others not to become famous or prominent. Magicians crave fame but ministers spread the name of Jesus.

2.     Flaunt: Magicians flaunt but ministers of God focus on the Great Miracle Worker “Jesus”. Miracle is only a sign that points heavenward to the Saviour. Any minister who seeks attention on himself/herself is no better than a magician or a sorcerer who seeks selfish gains. He (Simon) boasted that he was someone great (Acts 8:9b). A minister should never be found boasting about his divine gifts. Gifts of the Holy Spirit are graciously given to us to serve, not to flaunt. Magicians boast but ministers preach salvation.

  1. Fortune: Magicians have a common practice to exchange magical powers for money. Hence, Simon was willing to bribe the apostles to receive the Holy Spirit. Any minister who is devious and desirous of monetary recompense, for divine miraculous gifts, are only mere magicians who bring curse upon themselves. Magicians swindle but ministers serve.

Beware of those who flaunt, seek fame or fortune. They are mere manipulative magicians/sorcerers.  

Acts 8:21 You have no part or share in this ministry, because your heart is not right before God. 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, may I be always filled with the Holy Spirits to spot the wolves that come in sheep clothing.  Amen.

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