12 June 2022 – God’s Love – Part 1

Psalm 36:7 How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.

God’s love is unfailing even if everything around us fails.  Many fall away from their faith as they don’t fully understand the love of God in suffering. Most Christians are over informed ignorant nerds. They are like fresh university graduates who are saturated with book knowledge but lack experience. They have preconceived ideas and perceptions about God and when He falls short of their expectation, they question His love. God’s love does not fail even when your pastor, preacher or prophet falls into temptation or into treacherous sin. His love overshadows an incomprehensible tragedy. Jesus never fails.

If truth be told, all of us face failures, loss and lack. Our success or failure does not define God’s love. Stephen, the first martyr of the New Testament, was a young, vibrant charismatic minister. He was brutally stoned to death, by the stiff necked Jews, at his prime while he was powerfully preaching the gospel. We esteem Stephen for his faith and preach sermons about him but question God about the current day persecution. Heaven gave the dying saint a standing ovation. “Look,” he said, “I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God” (Acts 7:56).  As both the natural and the supernatural are on display when we read this incident, we are able to understand that this 30 year old man lived an honorable full life. So the substratum of our faith is rooted in what we see through our spiritual eyes. Even in crucible circumstances, spiritually enlightened eyes see the love of God. Spiritual insight breaks the layers of carnal ignorance. 

God’s love in loss, lack and languish:            

1.     Loss: Loss of a dear one or a lifetime opportunity can be best understood only if we see it through spiritually enlightened eyes. A wise parent would never take away what is good from their children. It is not the intention of any parent to infantilize their children by snatching away a device or stopping them from a fun party. They do it to protect them. Similarly, the love of God snatches away a prospective proposal, promotion or plan to protect us. Short-term loss is for long-term gain.

2.     Lack: The lack and dryness in our life was not caused by the deficiency of God’s love. It is the opposite. Wise parents teach their kids not to waste food, money or time. Similarly, the lack is to make us realize the endless access to His priceless provision. A parent who says ‘no’ to a child’s plea for a video game does not hate the child. They say ‘no’ because they love them. Lack, leverages God’s love.   

  1. Languish: In languish, His power is on display and His love bolsters. The body of Stephen under the rubble of stones was the seed sown to transform the rebel Saul into Apostle Paul. God’s love trains us through temporary languish.  

Under the banner of God’s love the short-term loss, lack and languish positions us towards long-term blessings.     

Psalm 109:26 Help me, LORD my God; save me according to your unfailing love.

Prayer: Pappa God, many times I question where you are, but open my spiritual eyes to your unfailing love that holds me together in the loss, lack and languish.  Amen.

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