13 June 2022 – God’s Love – Part 2

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.

There is a wrong notion in Christendom that the God of the Old Testament was a quick-tempered, brimstone and fire spitting authoritarian but the New Testament God is benevolent and flaccid. God does not change. “For I am the LORD, I do not change”  (Malachi 3:6).  He is a God of patience who does not bring judgement on the wicked at our time and pace. Many get frustrated when they see the betrayers and brutal babblers flourishing. It is not because God is winking at their misdoing but He is patient that no one should perish, but all should repent.

It is hard to swallow that God loves the rebellious reviler as much as He loves us. There is no change in the measure of love for the pious and the perverse. Love of God is a constant line. The insanity of the riotous rebels does not wear out God’s love or patience. Obedience on the other hand will increase His favour, protection and provision. God’s patience is His character that cannot be altered but His favour is His reward methodology.

Disobedience opens the door to the demonic attacks but God of love uses the diabolical barrages to draw His children back to the safe haven. He was patient for 430 years with the seditious Amorites before He brought judgement on them. For the sin of the Amorites has not yet reached its full measure.’ (Genesis 15:16b). The loathsome sexual and moral sins of the Canaanites and Amorites are listed in Leviticus 18. God waited patiently to glean the repentant out of the repugnant.    

God’s love turns exits into elevations:            

1.     Stop: The stops, setbacks and slowdowns are not God’s judgement but His guidance. By day the LORD directs His love (Psalm 42:8a). Don’t be desperate about anything. Pray and wait. God permits delays and patiently reforms and renews our thinking. He withholds a blessing to prepare us for the promotion. Be pliable.

2.     Suppress: The Lord doesn’t repress us. Most times it is our shortcomings that bring about demonic oppression but He uses the suppression to get our attention. Midian so impoverished the Israelites that they cried out to the Lord for help (Judges 6:6). Humanity suffers from short term memory loss. We forget the mercy of God in a flip of a second. The Lord God used the oppression of Midian to patiently lure His children back to His bosom. Be teachable.    

  1. Seclude: The Lord secludes to separate us. God will allow some friends and fellowship to be plucked and pruned not to seclude but to set us apart for His work. If we are adamant, God will be patient and allow us to go around the same mountain several times but He will never give up on us. Be sensitive.  

God’s love is long suffering and patient. He will never give up or leave us half-baked.     

Psalm 86:15b Slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness and truth.

Prayer: God of Patience, help me to understand when you stop me, slow me down or seclude me that you are patiently forming Christlikeness in me.  Amen.

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