17 June 2022 – God’s Love – Part 6

Ephesians 1:4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love.

The sublime secret about the love of God is “Nothing that we have done or going to do, can change the enduring love of God”. All religions teach that good deeds, generosity and godliness earn the love of God. The Lord God who created the lofty mountains and holds the universe in the palm of His hands says, I chose you and loved you before the creation of the world.  Unless our human brain assimilates that God’s love is not governed by our actions or inactions and the truth sinks into our spirit, we will not enjoy His love or reciprocate. Even before our limbs, eyes and heart were formed, He loved us with unchanging, unconditional and unreserved love.

God doesn’t choose a selected few and let the majority of the multitude be doomed in darkness. The invitation is open to every single soul. He has chosen us but we have to choose to accept Him in order to come under His providence. It is like enrolling your child in the university. You can pay the fees, buy the books but the child has to choose to attend, study and qualify into a professional. Likewise, we are all enrolled in the divine school of the Holy Spirit to know God and fellowship with Him. However, we can either accept the free admission and walk in the light or reject it and wallow in darkness. 

David committed a triple turpitude in the prime of His life. He coveted another man’s wife, committed adultery and executed a calculated murder. The Lord sent His prophet to confront him, chasten and correct him because He loved Him. God’s deep everlasting love for David could not see him reeking and reeling in sin. David is mentioned 971 times, more than any other prophet, patriarch or priest in the Bible.  David committed adultery in the year 993BC and around 48AD, after around 1041 years, the Lord testified that, David son of Jesse a man after my own heart (Acts 13:22b). God’s love allured David back into His arms.

Nothing that we do or don’t can change the love of God:           

1.     Gifts: We give gifts to our loved ones. God loves the world, the good and the bad. This is why God’s gifts, talents and money are distributed to the righteous and the unrighteous. God loves the godly and the ungodly.

2.     Grants: God loves even those who hate, blaspheme and rebel against Him. He waits like a loving father for His precious creations to return back to Him. He grants unfailing and unending mercy to restore a sinner. It is mindboggling to understand that He renovates the adulterer into an ardent follower and a murderer into a missionary.  

  1. Grace: Grace is like the ‘autumn rain in season’ that yields a verdant plentiful produce. In His splendid incomprehendable love He lushes us with grace that brings honour, promotions and splendor to the redeemed looter, hooker and miser.   

God’s love is not dependent on what we do.     

Psalm 139:13 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.

Prayer: Father of Unfailing Love, I am overwhelmed with your enduring love that searched me and found me in the filthy ghetto of sin. Amen.

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