18 June 2022 – God’s Love – Part 7

1 John 4:16b God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him.

The sun is composed of mainly layers of hydrogen and helium, spitting immense heat into the universe. The Sun does not have identifiable boundaries like the planets. It is a hot glowing ball of heat. The sun ironically is also the largest object/star in the solar system. It is imperative to note that it is the gravity of the sun that holds the solar system together, from the biggest planets to the smallest bits of debris to orbit around it. 

The sun is the epitomic metaphor for the “Love of God”. The Bible does not say that one of the preeminent characteristics of God is ‘love’. It says, “God is love”.  Like the sun that does not just give heat but is a bright burning hot ball, God does not just show unfailing love, His DNA is love. You cannot have God and not be drowned in love. Every ounce of His spirit being is love. His love for humanity is beyond measure which He displayed by sending His only begotten son to die for us. For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). This verse defeats the misconception that the Old Testament God was an unibrow authoritarian. It also renounces that God’s favourites were only one small nation Israel. Jesus did not die just for the Jews but for the world. The cross was God’s divine providence of redemption for humanity. The Jews were only the chosen race to trace back the unadulterated origin and history of the Messiah, back to Abraham and Adam.

If we abide in God and His word abides in us, then, every ounce of our being will drip with godly love:    

1.     Like: Likes and dislikes change. We might like a particular brand today and our taste could change tomorrow. It is not so with God. No matter how talented your colleague is, how intelligent your sibling is or how beautiful your neighbour is, His love does not diverge. God’s ‘love’ does not change to ‘like’ when we miss the mark and ‘hate’ when we wilfully violate His commandments. God’s love is constant.  

2.     Lag: Lack, lag and laziness does not change the love of God. When we sleep-in and miss our prayer time, God’s love does not change to ‘dislike’. He never misses an appointment but when we do, He does not distance Himself from us or stop loving us. God’s love never lags.  

  1. Love: Like the gravity of the sun that holds the cosmos together, it is the Love of God that holds us together with God, our families and our communities. Love is a command. An extramarital affair is not birthed out of love but lust. Infidelity hurts the spouse and breaks the command of love. Become an embodiment of godly love.   

God is love. Every action, move and gesture of God emanates pure pristine love.

Romans 8:32 He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?

Prayer: Father of Unchangeable Love, may every cell in my body and every drop of blood in me be filled and overflow with your divine love. Amen.

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