19 June 2022 – GPS – Part 1

Psalm 43:3a Send me your light and your faithful care, let them lead me.

Global Positioning System (GPS) is an incredible modern invention. Sr. Roger L Easton was the brain behind this fantastic invention. He launched the satellite-based radio navigation system in 1978 and it has become an indispensable technology of modern life. Global Positioning System, is a global navigation satellite system that provides location, velocity and time from point A to point B. GPS is now inbuilt in our vehicles, smart phones and even in our watches. GPS can even be built into navigational footwear! The GPS system has 24 satellites in 6 orbital planes consisting of 4 satellites each. Only 3 satellites are required to give us the desired location but the 4th one validates the information of the other 3 satellites. So every time we use the GPS, 3 satellites are in action with the 4th one verifying the result.

Like the GPS that assists our navigation in the physical world, there is a GPS built into our soul that is called, “God’s Positioning System”. Like the GPS in your vehicle, God’s Positioning System must also be activated in the soul. The manual to activate the God’s Positioning System is the Bible. If we want to understand God’s will and walk in God’s ways, read the Word of God. Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. I have taken an oath and confirmed it, that I will follow your righteous laws (Psalm 119:105-106). Reading and munching on the Word will enlighten the soul. Many are misled by ‘intuitions’ and misconstrue ‘intuitions’ as ‘insights’. Intuitions are emotionally driven whereas insights are enlightened by God’s Word. The author and the driver of God’s Positioning System is the Holy Spirit.

God’s Positioning System deciphers intuitions and insights :

  1. Decision: God’s Positioning System guides our decision making. An emotional excitement is not God’s will. Many make marriage decisions based on emotional excitement without listening to the GPS voice within them. When there is an emotional eruption, calm yourself down, activate the GPS of the soul and wait for God’s voice. If you cannot hear His voice, read His Word.
  2. Direction: God’s Positioning System will direct and redirect. Like the GPS in the car that repeats relentlessly, “make a U turn at the next possible opportunity”, when we take the wrong turn, the Holy Spirit will incessantly warn us. He will redirect us to take a U turn and repent. We can turn the volume of His voice to the minimum but He will never give up in redirecting us.

Delusion: God’s Positioning System will remove all delusions, vain imaginations and illusions. When you are confused with our decision or directions, read the Bible. Read any portion that comes to your mind. God’s Word is packed with information that will fade away the illusion and bring us out of confusion.

Activate God’s Positioning System by reading His Word.

Luke 12:12 for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.”

Prayer: Dear Holy Spirit, thank you for being my guide and God’s Positioning System within me. Help me to sharpen my hearing by reading your Word. Amen.

Psalm 43:3a Send me your light and your faithful care, let them lead me.

Global Positioning System (GPS) is an incredible modern invention. Sr. Roger L Easton was the brain behind this fantastic invention. He launched the satellite-based radio navigation system in 1978 and it has become an indispensable technology of modern life.  Global Positioning System, is a global navigation satellite system that provides location, velocity and time from point A to point B. GPS is now inbuilt in our vehicles, smart phones and even in our watches. GPS can even be built into navigational footwear! The GPS system has 24 satellites in 6 orbital planes consisting of 4 satellites each. Only 3 satellites are required to give us the desired location but the 4th one validates the information of the other 3 satellites. So every time we use the GPS, 3 satellites are in action with the 4th one verifying the result.

Like the GPS that assists our navigation in the physical world, there is a GPS built into our soul that is called, “God’s Positioning System”. Like the GPS in your vehicle, God’s Positioning System must also be activated in the soul. The manual to activate the God’s Positioning System is the Bible. If we want to understand God’s will and walk in God’s ways, read the Word of God. Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. I have taken an oath and confirmed it, that I will follow your righteous laws (Psalm 119:105-106). Reading and munching on the Word will enlighten the soul. Many are misled by ‘intuitions’ and misconstrue ‘intuitions’ as ‘insights’. Intuitions are emotionally driven whereas insights are enlightened by God’s Word. The author and the driver of God’s Positioning System is the Holy Spirit. 

God’s Positioning System deciphers intuitions and insights :    

1.     Decision: God’s Positioning System guides our decision making. An emotional excitement is not God’s will. Many make marriage decisions based on emotional excitement without listening to the GPS voice within them. When there is an emotional eruption, calm yourself down, activate the GPS of the soul and wait for God’s voice. If you cannot hear His voice, read His Word.  

2.     Direction: God’s Positioning System will direct and redirect. Like the GPS in the car that repeats relentlessly, “make a U turn at the next possible opportunity”, when we take the wrong turn, the Holy Spirit will incessantly warn us. He will redirect us to take a U turn and repent. We can turn the volume of His voice to the minimum but He will never give up in redirecting us.   

  1. Delusion: God’s Positioning System will remove all delusions, vain imaginations and illusions. When you are confused with our decision or directions, read the Bible. Read any portion that comes to your mind. God’s Word is packed with information that will fade away the illusion and bring us out of confusion.   

Activate God’s Positioning System by reading His Word.

Luke 12:12 for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.”

Prayer: Dear Holy Spirit, thank you for being my guide and God’s Positioning System within me. Help me to sharpen my hearing by reading your Word. Amen.

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