22 June 2022 – GPS – Part 4

Deuteronomy 28:1 If you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth.

We can have the latest vehicle with the most updated Global Positioning System (GPS) but if we don’t turn-on the gadget and tune-in to listen to its instructions, the GPS will be redundant. GPS can be calibrated by pressing the “Calibrate Compass” button. In phones and tablets there is also a “high accuracy” feature to improve the accuracy. Hence the device will be the perfect guide only if it is calibrated and activated.  

The Lord’s still small voice is “God’s Positioning System”. Our ears and mind that are corroded by carnal clutter must be recalibrated to hear His voice. The constant connection with the Saviour will initiate our conversation with Him. The continuous communication will calibrate our soul to listen and abide by His Word. However, like the GPS, we cannot hear God’s voice by switching on a button.  It is a discipline that must be developed. Even the spiritually fatigued Prophet Elijah had to recalibrate his hearing at Mount Horeb, (also known as Mount Sinai). And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice. (1 Kings 19:12). When clouded with conundrum, find a quiet prayer corner. The flood of ideas in our head is not God’s voice. He speaks to us in a still small voice with imprints and impressions, deep down in our heart.

‘Calibrate your spiritual ears to hear from God’s Positioning System:    

1.     Connect: Unless the GPS is turned-on it cannot be used. Similarly, unless we connect with the Divine Guide, we cannot receive the celestial signals. A simple prayer, “Lord speak to me”, “guide me”, “teach me”, “lead me” will activate our spiritual ears to hear His voice, and our heart to accept His instructions. Be connected 24/7.  

2.     Converse: There is a two-way communication between the GPS and the end user. Once the desired destination is punched in, the GPS calculates the route, distance and time and gives instructions. Similarly, prayer is a conversation. If prayer is a monologue, we will not receive any guidance from the Lord. It should be more listening than talking. If the GPS routes us through a mountainous traverse we don’t argue with the gadget, however, when the Lord takes us through a tough trajectory we travel kicking and complaining. God’s Positioning System takes us through the safest route. Prayer is a conversation, tune-in.  

  1. Conduct: Our conduct will directly reflect the voices that we are listening to. We will be torn between suggestions if we listen to both the GPS and the passenger next to us. Likewise, we cannot give one ear to the Lord and another to the worldly ideas. God will speak to us through our daily Bible passage. He will speak to us through a sermon or even through a billboard. Listen and obey the instructions of the divine satellite. Calibrated listening controls our conduct.

Don’t be dragged by your head, listen to the GPS in your heart.

Proverbs 8:33a Hear instruction, and be wise.

Prayer: Compassionate Holy Spirit, I surrender to recalibrate my spiritual ears and heart to listen to your still small voice. Amen.

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