23 June 2022 – GPS – Part 5

1 Samuel 3:8a Once again, for the third time, the LORD called Samuel.

There is a “repeat instructions option” in the Global Positioning System (GPS). It is possible to have the next turn instruction repeated on the device. If we miss the instructions the first time, this intelligent little device can be programmed to capture our attention the second time.

It is not so with God’s Positioning System. God the Holy Spirit who indwells in us need not be requested to repeat Himself. He is the one who formed the human anatomy. He is fully aware of human psychology and brain function. Hence, He repeats Himself until He gets our attention. Psychologist William James in his book ‘Principles of Psychology’ discusses that reactions are developed by repetition and reinforcement. Eating, sleeping, thinking, speaking, reacting and a range of habits can be formed by repeating and reinforcing or encouraging the behaviour until it becomes our innate second nature. Both good and bad habits are formed by repetition and reinforcement. Like the GPS autopilot, that can self steer our car or boat, repetition and reinforcement will instill good and godly or bad and demonic habits in us.

God called little Samuel three times, but he missed God all three times. Yet the Lord God did not walk away. The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” (1 Samuel 3:10). God’s Positioning System will repeat until we turn our attention to His voice.

The Holy Spirit, God’s Positioning System, repeats, reinforces and reverberates:    

1.     Repeats: When the Lord wants to turn our focus, He will repeat Himself through the Word or the voice of prophecy. The nudge in our heart will be confirmed by the Bible portion that we read in the morning.  The same message will be reiterated in a sermon or repeated by a prophet in a prophecy. When the same message ricochets repeatedly, remember, God is trying to get our attention. God repeats.  

2.     Reinforces: God’s voice will reinforce what is written in God’s Word. There are both positive and negative reinforcements. Both would result in automatic behaviour change. Ensure to tear down negative reinforcement with the promises of God. Negative reinforcements are diabolical noises that bawl ‘you are good for nothing’, ‘nothing good will happen to you’, ‘you are a failure’ and so on. Pick up a relevant Bible verse that defeats the pessimistic noise and repeat it until it dies down. Positive reinforcements will build, bolster, and boost the stimuli and change our character. God reinforces good behaviour.  

  1. Reverberates: God’s voice reverberates love, peace, and forgiveness in our heart whereas demonic noises echo hatred, bitterness, and strife in our head. The nuance can be identified by the essence of the message that is conveyed to us. We must learn to exterminate the damaging slur of the demons and have an uninterrupted connection with the Holy Spirit. Check the echoes in the battlefield of the mind. God reverberates healthy habits.  

If God’s Positioning System is on autopilot, we will cruise through life.

Psalm 62:11 One thing God has spoken, two things I have heard: “Power belongs to you, God”.

Prayer: My Divine Daddy, lead me with your Word. Help me to hear your voices and annihilate the disturbing noises of the world. Amen.

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