24 June 2022 – GPS – Part 6

Exodus 13:21 By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night.

The compass is a vital component in all Global Positioning Systems (GPS). The compass of the GPS receiver helps us to determine the current direction called “heading” and the desired direction called “bearing”. Unlike the GPS that is embedded in the dashboard of our vehicles, the GPS of the Israelites was a massive pillar of cloud during the day and a huge glowing fire at night.

God’s Positioning System for the Israelites was the indelible presence of the Lord with them. The pillar of cloud was the cool canopy covering for the half a million people as they journeyed through the dry desert and the pillar of fire was the glowing glamorous floodlight and heater during the biting cold nights. Moses and the leaders did not have maps and guides to traverse the multitudes, but He guided them with the cloud by day and with light from the fire all night (Psalm 78:14). The delivered Hebrew slaves did not use sunscreen to protect themselves from the scotching desert sun nor did they use insect repellents to protect themselves from insects and snakebites, He spread out a cloud as a covering, and a fire to give light at night (Psalm 105:39).

The same Holy Spirit is our GPS, not as a visible fireball or temperature altering cloud but as a still small voice in our heart. Under the canopy of God’s guidance there is peace and solace. Under the floodlight of His presence, there is clarity and calmness even in the tumultuous storm or burning heat.  

The Holy Spirit is the compass in God’s Positioning System:    

1.     Compass: The Holy Spirit will point us to the right direction. This does not mean there will be no delays, diversions, detours, hurdles to overcome or flooded rivers to cross, it only means that we will not be thunder struck when we face barriers and blockades. The compass will point us to the Red Sea, not to get us stuck but to split the sea. He is our compass.  

2.     Condition: The Holy Spirit will never contradict the GPS manual, the Bible. The proviso of the specific stipulations, conditions, and limitations to be guided by God’s Positioning System is clearly articulated in the Word of God. “Obedience” is the requirement to hear and be guided by the Holy Spirit. Disobedience will make our spiritual hearing dull and spiritual vision dim. Comply with the conditions.  

  1. Comrade: The Holy Spirit is our companion, not just our tour guide. When He stops us, He wants us to enjoy the present. Most people live in the past or long for the future but fail to enjoy the present. Cherish singleness while waiting for your spouse, esteem the placement while waiting for the promotion with your celestial companion, the Holy Spirit. He is your comrade.  

The Holy Spirit is the divine GPS who will guide us into God’s plan and purpose.

Exodus 40:36 In all the travels of the Israelites, whenever the cloud lifted from above the tabernacle, they would set out.

Prayer: My Divine Director, point me to your plan and purpose for my life. Amen.

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