25 June 2022 – GPS – Part 7

Proverbs 4:18-19 The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day. But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know what makes them stumble.

The Holy Spirit is God’s Positioning System and the guiding light of our soul. The sin virus has darkened the soul of humanity. “There is no one righteous, not even one” (Romans 3:10). The darkened soul and blinded spiritual eyes can be enlightened only by God’s Positioning System, (the voice of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God). God’s Positioning System will make the path of the righteous brighter and brighter, but the Ghost Positioning System will lead the wicked into deep darkness. Those who harden their hearts to convictions will not only stumble, repeat mistakes and wallow in their own mess but will also lack discernment about what makes them stagger and sink in the rut. Disconnection to the truth, lack of closeness to the light and careless, happy-go-lucky lifestyle will make the path of the reckless dark, dull, and destructive.    

There are precautions to take before we use this intelligent device Global Positioning System (GPS). The GPS chip consumes excessive power that could drain the battery in 8 hours. Hence it is important to keep the device plugged into the power source. GPS signals cannot penetrate solid walls or structures. Also, atmospheric interference can cause technical, satellite or calculation errors.  These three parameters are metaphorically the indicative warnings to hearing clearly from God. Lack of connection with the Saviour, callousness or stubbornness of the heart and environmental and emotional entanglements can block the spiritual hearing and vision.

The hindrances that deactivate God’s Positioning System:    

1.     Carelessness: Our spiritual battery must always be charged and plugged in. Running low on power will disconnect the GPS signals. If life gets too busy to have a regular solid time of prayer, communion, and connection with the Saviour our battery will soon drain out. The longer we spend in the prayer closet, meditating and munching on the Word and conversing with the Holy Spirit, the greater will be our spiritual clarity. Don’t be careless about your communication with the Lord.  

2.     Callousness: Callousness is caused by repeated hardening of the heart. Committing the same sin, the tenth time would be easier than the very first time but the longer we flounder in falsehood the more insensitive our heart would become to disobedience and rebellion. Don’t allow callousness to steal the spiritual sensitivity to sin`.  

  1. Climatic Conditions: Companions determine the spiritual climatic conditions. The crowd and comrades that influence our choices and values will directly impact the sensitivity to the divine signals. The Holy Spirit speaks to us in a still small voice and directs us, however the loud noise of compelling wrong company will mute His gentle voice. “Bad company corrupts good character.” (1 Corinthians 15:33). Check the influence of the comrades.

Be connected to the power source, be plausible, planted in good company to be guided by God’s Positioning System.

John 10:27. “My sheep hear my voice”.

Prayer: My Divine Guide, I commit to be connected to you 24/7 to listen, learn and be led by your still voice. Open my spiritual ears, eyes, and heart so I may hear from you. Amen.

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