27 June 2022 – Unending Episodes – Part 2

John 5:5 One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years.

In the 8th Century BC, a dam was built in Jerusalem which was later turned into a reservoir for rainwater with a sliding gate and a rock-cut channel that allowed a steady flow of water into the city. Over a period of time this reservoir became a pool for ceremonial cleansing which in Aramaic was called Bethesda. The sick, lame, blind and paralyzed crowded around this pool as they believed that once a year an angel would stir the waters for their healing. The first sick person who got into the pool was healed. Commentators say that this could be a legend, or it could be God honouring the faith of the sick person. A paralyzed man was stuck near the pool for 38 years helplessly for his healing. The disabled and diseased were fixated on the implausible possibility of the water being stirred that they did not see the Author of all miracles, Jesus, standing near them.

Jesus did the most intriguing miracle in the most unexpected way. Jesus knew that this man was stuck in this condition for a long time and asked, “Do you want to get well?” (John 5:6). The paralytic who did not even pray for a miracle was healed. The man who was in bed for 38 years, stood up, picked up the soiled bed and walked away healed! However, he did not stop to thank Jesus or even ask who this Miracle Man was. The episode of physical paralysis ended but his spiritual paralysis was an unending episode. The man who was healed had no idea who it was (John 5:13a). The spiritually dead never accomplished their purpose on earth.

Those who are fixated in their ways, frivolous with their blessings and focused heavily on temporary blessings will leave unending episodes on earth. Our life will leave indelible marks in the generations to come only if we are fastidious and fervent in our faith. 

Three lessons from the healed paralytic:    

1.     Fix:The sick eagerly waited for the probable customary stirring. They were drowned in their traditions and fixated in their ways that they missed the auspicious moment of receiving a touch from the Healer. Every single sick person waiting at the pool could have been healed if they had realized that Jesus was standing in their midst. Don’t miss your miracle moment by rigidly fixing your eyes and views on traditional practices.     

2.     Frivolous:Our walk with Christ is dynamic. There will be something new every day. New revelations, new way of worship, renewed relationship, or an astounding new miracle. If our faith is frivolous, we will miss the crescendo and the Creator. Don’t be frivolous, be serious about your faith.  

  1. Focus: Be focused on the “who” not the “how”. Their eyes were fixed on the water, expecting it to be troubled; they were so taken up with their own chosen way that the true way was neglected.” (Charles Spurgeon). Don’t focus on the miracle but the Miracle Worker.

May our encounters with Jesus leave a legacy and not legendary unending episodes.

John 5:8 Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.”

Prayer: Father God, may I never be fixated in my ways or traditions, frivolous in my faith walk but be focused on You. May I leave a legacy behind. Amen.

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