02 July 2022 – Unending Episodes – Part 7

Acts 1:11 “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”

After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, He appeared to over 500 men for about 40 days before He was taken up to heaven. The ascension bewildered disciples. They were not prepared to let Him go. They enjoyed His sudden visitations in their locked homes and beach shores. To the eye witnesses the ascension appeared to be an unending episode but the Bible says that the ascension will be followed by the descension or ‘the second coming of Christ’.

Bible Scholars have identified 1,845 different biblical references on the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. About 17 books of the Old Testament and 23 books of the New Testament talk about the Second Coming. The evidence is very explicit on the earth. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places (Matthew 24:7). Humanity is at the brink of nuclear and biological self-annihilation. The pandemic, forest fires, floods and natural disasters have swallowed scores of people. Professor Benjamin Sovacool from the university of Aarhus University, Denmark says, “There will be no water by 2040 if we keep doing what we’re doing today”. There is both an expiry date on the planet earth and on every human being. However, before humans abuse this beautiful earth and destroy it, the second coming of the Lord is certain.

The Second Coming of Jesus is neither a fable or an unending episode, it will be the end to the threats, nuclear weapons, wars and whoredoms. 

The Second Coming of Jesus will be the beginning of a brand-new life:    

  1. Famish: Billions of generations of the earth have depleted the most essential natural resources of the world. ‘The Guardian’ reports that by 2025, 1.8 billion people of the world will be living in water scarcity. The ignorant who are unaware of the Bible prophecies live under a delusion that the earth is the destiny! The earth is famished and improvised. The earth has an expiry date.   
  1. Fable: When the great flood during the time of Noah washed away the rebellious and licentious generation while they were partying, reviling, and defiling themselves. So is the current day generation; godless, reckless, and fearless. The Bible is not a fable. The prophecies of the first coming of Jesus were fulfilled and the second coming are being fulfilled. His return is very soon. The Biblical prophecies are not fables.
  1. Futuristic: The date of the second coming of Christ is unknown but His coming is certain. However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself (Matthew 24:36). Jesus is coming back to take us to our final destiny. Plan and prepare for the eternal destination, today.    

The Second Coming of Christ will be the conclusion of the ascension of Jesus.   

John 14:3 I will come back and take you with me.

Prayer: Father God, may the disasters and destruction I hear in the news prepare me for your Second Coming. Make me more and more God conscious when I hear treachery, turpitude, and terror. Amen.

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