11 July 2022 – It’s Never too Late – Part 2

Judges 16:28 “Then Samson prayed to the LORD, “Sovereign LORD, remember me. Please, God, strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes.”

“It’s never too late to do the right thing” – Nicolas Sparks.

Samson was the 14th judge of Israel. His birth was foretold to his barren aged parents and the ingenious was born with a special gift of tremendous strength. He was ordained to be a Nazarite. A Nazarite must not indulge in drinking wine. During the entire period of their Nazirite vow, no razor may be used on their head. (Numbers 6:5). A Nazarite vow was a devotion to remain sober and sincere to the Lord. The strength of Samson was not trapped in his hair. The unshaved hair was a symbol of his dedication to the Lord.  When Samson fell into adultery and impertinently allowed his hair to be shaved, his supernatural gift of strength dissipated as the Nazarite covenant with the Lord was broken.

The name Samson means “Sun” in Hebrew. After his strength left him, ‘the deliverer’ of Israel, became a prisoner in the hands of the enemies. The Philistines, gouged out his eyes, bound him with bronze shackles and set his grinding grain in the prison! However, only when Samson lost his eyesight, did he receive the insight. After the physical sight was dimmed, his spiritual vision was brightened as the sun. He repented, relented and returned to the Lord. God heard his cry and gave him the supernatural strength once more to avenge the enemy. 

There were several warnings for Samson, but he fell into the same sin again and again until he broke his vow with the Lord. Yet, our God is the Lord of second, third, fourth chances. The Lord gave Samson another chance to rectify the wrong. It is never too late to correct the mistakes, clean up the mess and change your mindset. 

It’s never too late to do the right thing:

  1. Mistakes:It’s never too late to correct our mistakes. We cannot undo the past, but we can certainly rewrite the future. “Remember, life’s greatest lessons are usually learnt at the worst times from the worst mistakes.” Learning from mistakes is wisdom, wallowing in regret is silly. Rewrite the mistakes.
  1. Mess:It’s never too late to clean up the mess. Mistakes have consequences. Repenting does not wipe the mess away. Renew your relationship with God and reconcile with those who have been hurt by your stupor. If it is possible on your part, live at peace with everyone. (Romans 12:18). Humbling ourselves and seeking forgiveness from God and people is the most appropriate way to clean up the emotional mess. Clean-up the mess.
  1. Mindset:When the mind is reset, the man is set. Refresh your mind, reverse wrong thinking and reconcile with yourself. Get rid of the self-condemning guilt and rapacious revenge.Reversing the past by renovating the present. Reset your mindset.

It’s never too late to reverse the wrongs with the right.

Proverbs 12:1Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid.

Prayer:Heavenly Father, give me the mercy to correct the mistakes and the grace to clean up my mess. I need your anointing to reset my mindset.Amen.

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