14 July 2022 – It’s Never too Late – Part 5

Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.

“It’s never too late to dream big.”

It is never too late to pursue our dream. The fashion designer Vera Wang designed her first dress at the age of 40. Henry Ford became successful at the age of 45 by creating a revolutionary Model T car. The Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison wrote her first novel “The Bluest Eyes” at the age of 40. Samuel L. Jackson after years of reeling at Hollywood got his award-winning role only at the age of 43. Barbara Hillary was the first African-American to reach the North Pole at age 75. Several books of the author Harry Bernstein were rejected before his first book became a hit at the age of 96! Fauja Singh, at the age of 100, became the first centenarian to complete a marathon at the Toronto marathon.

Caleb in the Bible dreamt his purpose before he landed on the triumphant plateau of the Promised Land at the age of 85 years. Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.” (Numbers 13:40). When the other ten spies along with Caleb saw the huge hulks as barriers Caleb saw them as bread. Only do not rebel against the LORD, neither fear the people of the land; for they are bread for us: their defense is removed from over them, and the LORD is with us.” (Number 14:9). When the dream, desire and driving force in us is a “God Dream”, we will be unstoppable.

Three steps to identify our purpose and dream big:

  1. Purpose: God is not obligated to fulfill our plans; He is only obligated to fulfill His purpose. Purpose is a passion that burns inside us. Test the intention of the purpose. If the purpose was stirred by a movie role model or a magazine, stop and question your purpose. God’s purpose will always bless others as much as it elevates us. The undergirding intention will not be fame and flamboyance but compassion and generosity. Test the intention of your purpose.
  1. Potential: “God will fulfill all of His promises, but He’s not obligated to fulfill our potential.”  – Larry Rondolph. When God gives us a purpose, He will also deposit the gifts, talents and potential that is required to fulfill it. Caleb was given a supernatural strength of a 40-year-old at the age of 85 years to fulfill His God-given dream and he fought the giants audaciously. It is our responsibility to leverage our potential.
  1. Passionate: God given purpose will be fueled by divine passion. It will be like playing our favorite game on iPhone; we will never get tired pursuing our God given purpose as we will be flamed by Godly passion. I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God (1 Timothy 1:6). There will be a holy flame/passion that ignites Godly purpose.

Don’t take your dreams to your grave. Dream Big, pursue passionately and fulfill your purpose.

Proverbs 16:4a The LORD works out everything to its proper end.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, may I never waste my potential or ignore the passion that is burning in my bone. Help me to fulfill my purpose. Amen.

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