17 July 2022 – Spiritual Alignment – Part 1

1 Kings 15:5 For David had done what was right in the eyes of the LORD and had not failed to keep any of the LORD’s commands all the days of his life—except in the case of Uriah the Hittite.

The system that connects a vehicle to its wheels is called “the vehicle suspension”. Alignment is the adjustment of the angles of the tires. If the tire of the vehicle is misaligned, the vehicle would be pulled to the left or the right. The steering wheel would be off the center even when we are driving straight or there will be steering vibration. An improper alignment, over-inflation, underinflation or a worn-out suspension will also cause uneven tread wear. Poor alignment hurts your car/vehicle. Similarly, bad spiritual alignment hurts our soul, success, and our seed (or generations to come).

David was spiritually aligned 9 out of 10 times. The one instance when he was spiritually misaligned, he had a major crash. The Bible is a transparent book that not only highlights the success but details the mistakes and misalignments of the Bible heroes to emphasize the importance of being spiritually aligned and honest before God and man. David was a warrior who obtained his battle strategies from the Lord. The Lord God guided him with divine wisdom to be the greatest king of Israel, yet there was one time his spiritual suspension was overinflated. Hence when rubber hit the road with rashness, the misaligned suspension caused David to wander off course.   David did not consult the Lord before he took Uriah’s wife. David misused his authority over Uriah and connived his death. This misalignment by an overinflated suspension caused a deep damaging dent to David’s wagon.

Have you serviced your soul to check your spiritual alignment?

  1. Over-inflation:  Over-inflation is when there is excessive air pressure in the tire. Over-inflation gives the vehicle a harsh ride and would wear out the treads of the tyre. It could also cause control issues. Over-inflation could cause damage to the suspension system of the vehicle. David’s spiritual wheels were overinflated which resulted in belaboring and slaughtering of Uriah, the Hittite. If we are in a hurry, anxious and hasty, our spiritual tyres are overinflated.  
  1. Underinflation:  Underinflation is when the tyres are not sufficiently inflated. Underinflation increases fuel consumption due to rolling resistance. It makes the engine work harder and creates uneven tread wear. Lack of energy, ambition or futuristic vision would mean, that our spiritual tires are underinflated. When we must pick up speed we will resist and drag. Fear of the unknow or anxiety would be clear indication of underinflation of our spiritual tyres.   
  1. Misalignment: Spiritual misalignment even for a short phase could cause unfortunate mishaps. A simple key to be spiritually aligned is to Test all things; hold fast what is good (1 Thessalonians 5:21). If the test results are ambiguous, stay away. If the test results clearly indicate red light, stop. Any connection, commitment or conversation that must be hidden from our spouse or family is spiritually misalignment.

Check the spiritual suspension and alignment to the Word of God.

Galatians 5:25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, may my spiritual suspension and alignment always be safe and secure under your guidance and providence. Amen.

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